Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

There's a big difference between worshipping the "evil" construct and any potential version of the "good" construct.

Edit: "Let go of the building" is a complete miss with me. Churches as a building (and religious organization) are pagan in origin anyway.

I could easily respond with "let go of the drugs brah"


:lol: Did some butylone(MDMA analog) last night and better understood exactly what I am trying to say.

You and me are essentially saying the same thing. There is just confusion through the medium.

I'm basically saying religion is bad because it isn't religion.
To which you reply religion is good because it isn't religion.

Basically, I feal you man :kickass: :lol:

The building is like drugs. You can use it for good or for evil.
The way to be uneffected by evil is by realizing that it doesn't exist. Adversity is friction, and there are ways to reduce your inner friction.

The wise men smoked weed("They brought him gifts of incense.." Incense is defined as something that is burned to create joy). Drugs can help people come to realizations and enable The Holy Spirit to become realized(it is always present).

For a metal example, look at Blacklodge. Look at thier lyrics with eyes that see.

In the bible god created satan. satan means adversity. god is ultimate good and does not hate evil/adversity. It was created as a learning tool. Evil was created from good and because of this isn't really evil. You can understand this in hinduism.

If you read the bible with eyes that see you can see where people have changed the true word for thier own benefit.

And this is how Satanic music is the ultimate inside joke.
I think the guys in the french scene get it.
Attila gets it.
Mortuus from marduk/funeral mist gets it.
I'm using different words to say the same thing. I remember what I have never known.
And I have a feeling you do to.

666 Torturer from (Arkhon Infaustus,Neo Inferno 262, Hell Militia, Love Lies Bleeding):
"It's true. Our music is religious of course as we are believers. But we have also piss taste of life. I think that Black Metal is a religious music done by religious people, but that Black Metal is not there to teach. Either you see, either you never do. Some are blind and some will see the light that stands in darkness."
That's a fairly outrageous claim, in my opinion. Regardless of how expansive the universe is, it's one thing for there to be extra terrestrial life, but it's another thing entirely for there to be entire civilizations. There's nothing crazy about not blindly believing that there are other civilizations out there in the universe before we ever find life.

Considering what defines 'civilization', it's not outrageous at all.
And the scope of the universe. With the probability of a planet being in the goldilocks zone, and the probability of abiotic genesis, it still leaves a crazy high number of possible civilizations in the universe. Hell, I bet an alien race like the Zerg probably exists somewhere.

The holy grail is the body.
The land of milk and honey is the body.

Water ov life :lol: what happens when men orgasm? when women orgasm?

Women are the equal opposite of men. Men the equal opposite of women.
When each others water of life comes together, it creates a new eternity/life. If you look at sex practices as far as health, most of what is unhealthy is usually done out of greed(an unhealthy mind creates an unhealthy body, stop worrying and you will stop stressing yourself). Not truly caring about the other and caring about thier pleasure.

Kind of "filthy" eh? "We are by nature sinful and unclean..." How dare you call what has been created unclean. We have been brainwashed to believe human nature is sick. And because of this we are all now sick.

Greed is misunderstood. It isn't "evil" it is just that all people want to be happy/have inner peace and do not realize this can only be achieved through loving others more than you love yourself(without hating yourself). If you do not fill the void, you will be consumed by it.
:lol: A thought inspired by artwork on a Funeral Mist vinyl + creative thought.

I have this wierd elevated feeling. I hope it isn't early scizophrenia, but I realize that schizophrenia is confusion caused by the realization of everything at once. Word salad is what happens when the mind tries to say everything at once. The body tries to do everything at once and appears disorganized.

I feel I jump around in my head a lot, from idea to idea, but it is centered around one goal and idea that I am trying to show.

This feels like contolled psychosis and is creating a kind of anxiety because of the unknown.
The thing that is wierd is that other people I know are "feeling the same way" and have shown me that with thier words. I notice that most of the disorganized ones have taken LSD before. But I understand what they are trying to say, and they understand me. We are remembering what we have never known.

"The mystic and the schizophrenic find themselves in the same ocean, but whereas the mystic swims, the schizophrenic drowns." RD Laing
Just found this. Pretty interesting, though I am still anxious as fuck :lol:

It's like I understand the thought proccess of every douchebag, asshole, murderer, rapist, cult leader, dictator, "god", because I am thinking the same way that they have. But I don't stop where they did and act on these thoughts, because I continue thinking to the point of seeing where it would be wrong to do so.
(By the way, the lines = new idea :lol:)
Last night was magical as fuck. What is known as The Holy Spirit was surely at work through us(people that use drugs for communion with the supreme being). We were able to "communicate" without words and know exactly what we were thinking. It is hard to explain. It wasn't reading body language, we litterally knew exactly what we were thinking. We all have the same idea from different sources. There are 9 of us as far as I know so far. The ones that have experienced this through LSD call it the opening of the third eye. I went the route of depression and suicide attempt + drug meditation to better understand myself. I came to this realization much slower than they did.
You sound like an acquaintance of mine when he's high. He keeps messaging me when I'm high, saying "yo nigga im high" (he's white), and then going on a long tangent that doesn't make sense.
You sound like an acquaintance of mine when he's high. He keeps messaging me when I'm high, saying "yo nigga im high" (he's white), and then going on a long tangent that doesn't make sense.

Please pic out a point that doesn't make any sense. It will help me to understand my own insanity.

(The "Gangstas/wiggers" act like idiots because they grow up in a world of idiots and want to be "cool". They are not smart and so when they take drugs and come to realizations without seeking them they come across as fucking retarded:lol: )
We found that out last night actually :lol:
We were all sitting in silence away from the rave we started. Every once and a while a loud person(jock/gangsta/douche) would enter where we were and would be.....well, loud. :lol: But we understood thier stupidity/confusion.
The fact that parts of your posts are so incongruous that you have to separate them with a line. :lol:

Edit: And you "just" found that quote twice. :lol:
:lol: Well it's because I understand that they are incongruous. Incongruous is actually a bad word to use. All my ideas stick to a main theme. You're just having trouble comprehending it for what ever reason.

My internet was fuckin' with me. Is it still there? Where is it the second time?
I post shit and then I have an "Oh yeah! I forgot..." momment so I edit a lot.

EDIT: NVM :lol: I thought it didn't post and forgot it.

Yeah...It's that kind of forgetfullness/disorganization that is scaring the shit out of me :lol:

But you do see how I used reason/logic/scientific thought to get the ideas that I am presenting?

There's a reason you buy spice at gas stations run by Hindus..........hehehe
(YES. I understand this just fucking jumped to a new thought. I am joking....but it's funny because it's true lol)
The first time in the post at the top of the page, the second in the post after the one after that.
Yeah I found it.

I'm still coming off of butylone, so my mind is racing.

Oh by the way, you should record your friends next tangent that doesn't make sense. I can probably translate it for you.
Fun fun fun

Yeah, just type everything he says once he starts. Don't try to comprehend it first.
Meh. It's not even anything funny. He's just ranting at me for not wanting to make a page for a fake stoner religion.