Their motto was "God with us."
Doing "god's will"? It's pretty well established the German high command was heavily occultic.
The church isn't? (I know the church isn't doing "gods will" simply because there is no gods will)
Let go of the building and the book brah, they always change.
And? We have "God" plastered on everything from our currency to our pledge. Doesn't mean shit.
It definitely means that our country is Christian. It's not like our national motto is "In Huitzilopochtli we trust." Pretty much no one here believes in him. Hell, back when the country was more secular, it was "e pluribus unum." Nothing to do with God.
I've seen Dawkins try to claim that the nazis were Christian or something but the reality is that genocide isn't Christian, and people should shut the fuck up about the whole thing. Ideology does not necessarily correlate with the way the government works.
Who chooses the mottos, though? And what I meant was not about mottos, but about actions. Killing obviously isn't Christian, but people have still done it for religious reasons, but they're not real Christians. I was trying to say that the whole "Christians = bad" thing based on nazi Germany and other places is fail because you can't commit genocide and be a Christian at the same time.
I'm pretty sure both have admitted to posting while under the influence.
Learning methods?
Seperately, this video series is quite interesting. Food for discussion:
Good doesn't impose it just exists. Evil imposes quite abit
But that creates challenges and a richer life experience.
Blahblahblah religous/life views. This is about batshit theories, so what do you guys all think about aliens?
It definitely means that our country is Christian. It's not like our national motto is "In Huitzilopochtli we trust." Pretty much no one here believes in him. Hell, back when the country was more secular, it was "e pluribus unum." Nothing to do with God.
I've seen Dawkins try to claim that the nazis were Christian or something but the reality is that genocide isn't Christian, and people should shut the fuck up about the whole thing. Ideology does not necessarily correlate with the way the government works.
That's true, but not always. I have some stoner friends and they have forgotten how to use punctuation among other things. I smoked every day for a few months, and the only English mistake I can remember making is texting my ex "high" when she said "hey." Some people can retain their ability to make sense, but it takes dedication to being a grammar nazi.
I think it would be crazy to believe that our universe doesn't have other civilizations in it.