Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

One other thing i want to point out: how is it relevant that the CBS intern chick who was interviewed about the Virginia Tech shooting was an actress in a reality show 4 years later? That just seems like a total waste of 5 minutes in the video, and it also raises the question of how many of his other cases could be called into question by chronological order, since he usually doesn't clarify the order of events.
Btw idk if you read Glenn Greenwald at all, but if you don't... start. He is a great example of an anti-establishment/anti-MSM author who actually knows what the hell he's talking about:

The media and Iran: familiar mindlessness

The [Washington] Post's own Ombudsman has repeatedly bashed the paper for its excessive, ill-explained, reckless use of anonymous sources (which violates even the Post's own non-public anonymity rules), and has insisted that the paper's “credibility” — to the extent such a thing can be said to exist — is being steadily eroded by this practice. Here, the Post screeches a sensationalized, highly consequential story (it even proudly notes these disclosures “may exacerbate international tensions over the country's alleged pursuit of weapons of mass destruction”) based exclusively on anonymous U.S. official sources, and barely pretends to explain why anonymity is justified.
Also, apparently Dick Cheney is praising the Obama administration for upholding the Bush admin's lack of accountability on torture :lol:

Vice President Dick Cheney [on November 21] gave an interview to The Wall Street Journal about President Obama’s Terrorism War and foreign policy, and the interview appeared under the headline "Giving the President His Due".

The former Vice President heaped praise on President Obama for his policies of escalating drone attacks, military commissions, and indefinite detention — once known in Democratic circles as “shredding the Constitution” — and then added:

"I was very upset when we had talk by the Justice Department about prosecuting the intelligence professionals who’d carried out our policies in the enhanced-interrogation area. They’ve backed off that since. That’s good."

zabu of nΩd;10087313 said:
Watched the video, checked the site. This kind of stuff is pretty hard for a 'layperson' to verify just by comparing two pictures of a possibly same person side by side, and each case can potentially require hours of examination of a wide variety of source material, so his whole argument is already at a disadvantage from the getgo. Most of the cases i saw i couldn't make a definite conclusion about without having some background knowledge in forensics, although there were a couple that looked pretty straightforward.

This was my conclusion. Some were quite obvious, others seemed quite the stretch. There's four videos just in that series. I have noticed though that some people (myself included) have a greater ability at recognizing facial structure similarities than others.

zabu of nΩd;10087313 said:
He's obviously guessing on most/all of these, but he would never make that clear to you since CLEARLY the media lies all the time and there's no need to document any possibly disqualifying differences in each of these sets of photos, or to ask some sort of expert who is not a random nutjob with a conspiracy website to give his/her opinion. What are this guy's forensics qualifications anyway? A few hours watching instructional youtube videos? :lol:

I don't doubt that this guys purpose is to take the obvious cases and dilute them with some non-obvious cases. IE: another Alex Jones. Throwing the term "nutjob" around to anyone who asks questions though is discrediting on your objectivity.

Edit: Because someone doesn't show their entire reference compilation doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Some people want everything just laid out for them though.....

zabu of nΩd;10087313 said:
Also, if he really got some kind of threatening letter from this guy who was facebook friends with Seal Team 6 or whatever, where is this letter? His website's a clusterfuck so maybe it's buried in there somewhere, but in general the only documentation I see on there after browsing around is videos, photos and radio shows (which i'm not going to waste my time listening to).

Long story short: even if this guy is onto something, his evidence is way too disorganized, and the fact that he's a clearly biased and unprofessional nutjob hurts his case a lot.

The "threat" story is a common one in conspiracy propagators. It is to facilitate a certain response and is a red flag. If they were causing actual problems they would not be threatened, they would be dead.

The best liars tell the most truth without telling the whole truth.
Why would such an allegedly loving god use such brutal learning methods, even if the intent is benign?

God is not a logical thing. There are tons of questions you can ask that can only be answered by one's belief.

And @ Overwatch's post (was too lazy to quote):

By the way, the Nephilim were based on the Anunnaki, just like the Anak (which, if you look at it, their name is like Anunnaki.)

And back in those days, demons were not necessarily evil. The Latin word daemon and the Greek word δαίμων both meant mystical beings, or spirits that weren't necessarily evil. It was in the post-Biblical times that Satan's evil was exaggerated and demons were, well, demonized.

And Overwatch is correct about the commandments not applying only to Jews. I think in a verse in Leviticus it says that one must love a foreigner or enemy or something as one loves oneself. It's what (I think) Jesus quoted when being asked what the most important commandment was. In my Catholic school they told us he made up a commandment. :lol: Then again, Catholics don't usually seem to actually read the Bible. I know more about it than my religion teachers did (and probably do now) and I'm an atheist who read it basically as one would read Harry Potter.
Good doesn't impose it just exists. Evil imposes quite abit :lol:

But that creates challenges and a richer life experience.

Blahblahblah religous/life views. This is about batshit theories, so what do you guys all think about aliens?
It's not really as batshit as people may have you believe. If you assume that ancient religious texts from people all around the world are based on something real, then the most obvious explanation is aliens, if you go by Ockham's Razor. Plus, there was a report gathered from the British air force of a huge object flying really slowly over their base, and then speeding up to several times the speed of their fastest planes before disappearing. I'll have to dig it up, but it was on Ancient Aliens and was told by a guy who was an agent of the British government tasked with gathering UFO reports.
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah: What? You have a city full of (at least guys) who were going to break into a guys house to rape a couple of strangers, and the occupant of the house for not opening the door. There were not "ten rightous people" to be found in the whole city, even being given a "head start" with some family members of Abraham.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a scholar of biblical studies, but on first glance this seems odd to me. Why would you grant a supposedly divine being the authority to wipe out an entire city for what certain individuals were allegedly going to do (of course, God knows this because He's God) and not allow government the authority to spy on individuals in their homes in order to keep them from committing crimes?

Please bear in mind, I'm not a scholar and I know very little about the Bible; I'm only going off of what I can deduce from your posts.

The logical response to this, of course, is that God is God and government is government and the two are not the same; but this is a very tendentious qualification, in my opinion.
Because government is comprised of humans and not supernatural creatures? Exactly. I don't see how this is "tendentious". Kind of falls under "who died and left you god?"
Well, to me it's tendentious since "supernatural creatures" is simply a method by which natural creatures (i.e. humans) justify absolute authority here on earth. So, you can see why this is problematic. Furthermore, I personally don't feel the logic that dictates your political ideals and your beliefs concerning God are mutually complementary.
Well, to me it's tendentious since "supernatural creatures" is simply a method by which natural creatures (i.e. humans) justify absolute authority here on earth. So, you can see why this is problematic.

Correct. But what does that have to do with a situation where the divine acts unilaterally and autonomously?

Furthermore, I personally don't feel the logic that dictates your political ideals and your beliefs concerning God are mutually complementary.

That natural =/= supernatural is not consistent?
It's not really as batshit as people may have you believe. If you assume that ancient religious texts from people all around the world are based on something real, then the most obvious explanation is aliens, if you go by Ockham's Razor. Plus, there was a report gathered from the British air force of a huge object flying really slowly over their base, and then speeding up to several times the speed of their fastest planes before disappearing. I'll have to dig it up, but it was on Ancient Aliens and was told by a guy who was an agent of the British government tasked with gathering UFO reports.

Yeah I was just trying to switch the topic. :)

I personally think there is plenty of "hard" evidence for beings from another dimension.
I'm thinking more along the lines of in space/ the physical world.

It's almost impossible to tell a true craft from another place in space from what we already have the capabilities to create.

I have an idea that the true creatures of space fled once we detonated the first nuclear device. (much like how early man probably used fire to keep predators away/ scare animals away with a gun shot).

As for more human forms of life that have the ability to create technology, we can really only look at what we are becoming able to create.

We started putting nukes on missles. We use missles to send men into space. Perhaps we found something out there that scared us (much like the "creepy crawlys" of earth that aren't so scary when you understand them) and were trying to blow it to hell? :lol: They did "experiment" with nuclear detonations in space.
Of course at the time when man first traveled into space what would have happened if they told us "Yeah we found some creepy shit out there"?......War of the worlds broadcast effect?

Maybe this pissed off the more humanlike aliens?

Also I think it's kind of dumb how most people instantly think little green men when someone says UFO or Alien.
UFO simply means something that is flying that has not been identified.
Alien just means foreign.

I like how I know people that claim to be christian, but won't have anything to do with a discussion about aliens because "they don't exist". well the bible exists? The bible explains that there are creatures "in the abyss/space". And every ancient religous text explains beings from another dimension(and to the best of my knowledge physical creatures as well).
That is definitely true. I've always wanted to make a frame of a typical UFO out of metal, partially bury it, and then make the interior look like it was raided and all of the inner workings were taken out. Besides, the famous "alien" crop circles were an admitted hoax. I'm sure most evidence of aliens today is misinterpreted or faked.
Assuming we didn't create new technology that we have by ourself.
Joking around, kinda.

As far as where the tech came from, it really does go back to the nazis (:lol: like most fun movies)

Most tech that we are using came from the nazis(or more correctly, was influenced by nazi tech). I personally don't have much of an idea as to how they(the nazis) created the tech. This isn't exactly classified, but most people have more things to worry about and don't look into it.

Speaking of technology. A large EMP blast would be far more devestating than a nuke these days IMO.
This would require a lot of tech to create, so if it ever happened I wouldn't think arabian terrorists, but rather a more technological enemy. Maybe China or the Ruskies? Or our own government, but this won't happen as long as we keep church seperated from state/ keep greedy people out of government. IMO
Those, Jet engines, rockets, nuclear power, drones ...

There is no mystery about it, we were fighting a technologicly advanced enemy. But we worked together and kicked it's ass.
They had the gift of technology, and used it to destroy(using human expirimentation to get tech, so they even destroyed so they could destroy) for greedy reasons inspired by faith and look at what happened to them. They were destroyed.

They believed they were doing god's will by destroying what they viewed as unclean.
Hitler promoted "christianity". This is also no big mystery.
Anyone who truly reads that fucking book(the bible in it's current state, thank you Catholics) can see that it is anti-human in it's current state (moar black metal than black metal :lol:)

You can believe what ever you want. But don't model laws based on a belief to the point of killing people.