It's not really as batshit as people may have you believe. If you assume that ancient religious texts from people all around the world are based on something real, then the most obvious explanation is aliens, if you go by Ockham's Razor. Plus, there was a report gathered from the British air force of a huge object flying really slowly over their base, and then speeding up to several times the speed of their fastest planes before disappearing. I'll have to dig it up, but it was on Ancient Aliens and was told by a guy who was an agent of the British government tasked with gathering UFO reports.
Yeah I was just trying to switch the topic.
I personally think there is plenty of "hard" evidence for beings from another dimension.
I'm thinking more along the lines of in space/ the physical world.
It's almost impossible to tell a true craft from another place in space from what we already have the capabilities to create.
I have an idea that the true creatures of space fled once we detonated the first nuclear device. (much like how early man probably used fire to keep predators away/ scare animals away with a gun shot).
As for more human forms of life that have the ability to create technology, we can really only look at what we are becoming able to create.
We started putting nukes on missles. We use missles to send men into space. Perhaps we found something out there that scared us (much like the "creepy crawlys" of earth that aren't so scary when you understand them) and were trying to blow it to hell?

They did "experiment" with nuclear detonations in space.
Of course at the time when man first traveled into space what would have happened if they told us "Yeah we found some creepy shit out there"?......War of the worlds broadcast effect?
Maybe this pissed off the more humanlike aliens?
Also I think it's kind of dumb how most people instantly think little green men when someone says UFO or Alien.
UFO simply means something that is flying that has not been identified.
Alien just means foreign.
I like how I know people that claim to be christian, but won't have anything to do with a discussion about aliens because "they don't exist". well the bible exists? The bible explains that there are creatures "in the abyss/space". And every ancient religous text explains beings from another dimension(and to the best of my knowledge physical creatures as well).