Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Rick Perry is hilarious (not in a good way). You can watch the whole thing on Youtube, but here are the highlights:

Does anyone care about this Penn State child molestation scandal? I spent a while last night FB debating with people on the topic. Some people feel sorry for Joe Paterno, others want to burn him, but it seems that everyone is already forgetting that Jerry Sandusky set up a "charity" as a front to molest potentially dozens of young boys. Isn't Sandusky the real monster?
Excerpt of the above:

“Everyone around the country is focused on you. And this isn’t just an effort today,” she said. “ Jill and I through Joining Forces, we want to make this a part of the dialogue in this country forever. Whether Jill or I are here or not, whether this administration is here or not, this is about the way we want this country to talk about our troops, veterans and military families forever. We want you to feel that appreciation and that gratitude so that you know your sacrifice is not in vain.”

Is that supposed to be an allusion to some secret plan?