Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

The "official" movement is being financially backed by George Soros. Wonder why? Also, wanting to increase taxes on the wealthy does nothing to actually stop the looting. It just empowers the middleman (government), who is already bought and paid for by???? Exactly.

The Federal Reserve is the key to unlocking the economic chains around America. It needs to be abolished. Everything else is merely shooting at balloons.
So some friends and family have been telling me they have been protesting and I can help but to think what fucking morons they are, but I can't tell them that. I asked them why they don't just use their brains and contact/vote/get involved with their local Representative, elected official or assembly member and the response was appalling. Either EVERYTHING was corrupt or they had no clue who they would contact. So, yea, lets march in the streets for no other reason than to feel self satisfied and cause disruption among the community/law abiding citizens.
I can't agree with the type of getting involved you mention. Votes merely give legitimacy to a thoroughly flawed system.

Nonparticipation and education should be sought. Most of the protesters seem to be reacting like dogs in a Pavlovian experiment. Playing right into the hands of those they protest.
The corporations making money hand over fist by destroying the economy, at the expense of the public, are only able to do so because of the monetary system (fractional/central banking), which is the lifeblood of the government.

Demanding that government do something about an inherent problem in it's structure is pointless. Demanding that it "punish the rich" is merely giving more power to a crucial part of the problem itself, which will have an appeasement effect for a short time, until the public finds out that it does absolutely nothing to stop the flow of wealth out of the system and into the hands of the people closest to the money stream.

Start looking for countries that don't have a central bank. Dirt poor countries you have never heard of have printing presses chugging away, stealing what little wealth there is to be had from the victims at the bottom of the "trickle down" effect. Central banking is the final solution alchemy always sought: Create wealth "ex nihilo".
I thought I have:

So what crashed in Roswell was a "disc". Bodies were found.
The disc had Russian writing in it. The bodies were "alien-like" but were human. They were children that had been experimented on to look like aliens.

When the war of the worlds was broadcasted the world saw how mass amounts of people could easily be manipulated into thinking something was real. Hitler took note of this. Stalin did as well.

At the end of WW2 we gathered up nazi scientists with Operation Paperclip. Other allied nations did the same thing.

I'm really fucking high right now so basically By using Nazi scientists Russia had created a "UFO" with "Aliens" inside of it. They wanted it to land in the US and basically cause widespread panic. Stalin made a "deal" with Mengele to create the "aliens" by experimenting on children.

Why didn't the US tell the world that the Soviets were doing such horrible things at a time where it could have only helped us fight the commies? Because we were doing the same thing.

Think about things that have happened over time. MK-Ultra, Missing children, The cloning of that sheep(dolly I think it was lol), The creation of better drones like the predator (and probably better ones that are classified), and other advances in science world wide.

It's entirely possible for a nation like the US to create an invasion fleet of "alien spaceships".

Why would a nation want to do this? Beats the fuck out of me.

Think about the media lately. I've heard the history channel is one of the most watched channels and with all the shows about 2012, ancient aliens, ect and things like Stephen hawking saying that an invasion would be a bad thing, I think people would definently buy it if this happened.
Why would a nation want to do this? Beats the fuck out of me.

To take its citizens' minds off of current issues and focus the attention of the populace on an ultimate "other." This is a major theme in Alan Moore's Watchmen, although it's perpetrated from a party other than the government in that story.
I think it is a possibility. I have been paying attention to all the "credible" sources suggesting/accepting alien life, from Buzz Aldrin to the Vatican/Pope.

I think whether or not their could be intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos, there will either be a new drummed up threat, or "benevolent creator alien" situation, either scenario being created to demand/inspire a broadbase capitulation by the population.

In America we have had a steady stream of "danger on the horizon". The UK, the CSA, Indians, the German/Austrian league, Nazis/Japan, Russia/China, Al Qaeda. We are now being transitioned over to "terror from anyone/anywhere" (lone wolf). When that fails, all that is left is to go "galactic".
I think it may be useful to lay off the drugs every so often haha

:lol: Looking back at it; I failed hard at the grammar part of that post, and it skips around a bit, but it does make sense. :rock:

I would have waited to post that in the morning, but it was like a mind explosion (Human Giant :lol: ) and I had to post it immediately.
6 B.S. Myths You Probably Believe About America's 'Enemies'

This article was a pretty fun read, and echoes some of the experience I've had in other countries. Whenever I'd joke about how much everyone hates America, I'd get a weird look from whoever I was talking to. I've found that besides people who have been to the United States, or are looking to go to the United States, people don't really think about our country as much as we do, positively or negatively.

The thing about the Korea situation didn't really surprise me either, since I had read a while back that the people in the Chinese government responsible for giving aid to North Korea are tired of their shit. Also, that South Korea has much better weapons than North Korea. Even if North Korea were to send its army, it would get flattened like a bunch of zerglings against colossi.
That last thing you said about North Korea is bollocks. NK could inflict massive damage upon S. Korea pretty quickly just with it's huge array of long range artillery.
The US military is concerned about NK air threat, at least as recently when I was in. Not because they have state of the art aircraft, but because if there was an all out attack, they would just send everything they could get in the air at SK before sending in the handful of decent threat aircraft/missiles, hopefully depleting SAM sights/overrunning air defenses with junk and running behind the "screen".

Basically the same concept used by Iran with the "speed boat navy".

Neither of these scenarios or tactics are of any danger to America, if we weren't stomping around the globe being all imperial in the first place.
Someone just posted that. Oh and I wasn't talking about the Nukes I meant the conventional artillery.

Anyway, I suspect, if things really went down the toilet for NK, they might put a nuclear bomb in a beagle jet bomber Ilyushin Il-28 (which are shit) and hope it doesn't get shot down, maybe sending it to japan.