Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

DM: I'm not clear, are you against pragmatism and objectivity? If so, why?

He's saying the blogger isn't proclaiming anything new by espousing non-ideological, "objective" critical thinking. In fact, political figures and partisan groups advocate objectivity all the time, despite the fact that their affiliation(s) is defined by an ideology that prohibits true objectivity.

They proclaim the value of non-ideology whilst themselves being bound up in it; very similar, in my opinion, to how Western democratic governments use the value of freedom as the very means to limit it.
While I am not a robot, I do not see how "emotions are preventing me from seeing the forest", or whatever that means. You will need to be more specific.

To clarify: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/see_the_forest_for_the_trees

In your reactions to current events, I see mostly emotional ones. Should we be outraged at the way that those at the top exploit and abuse the rest of us? Of course. Is it anything new? Obviously not.

@Einher: I would prefer a response from DM, and while I see where you're going with your response to my question to him, I'm not sure if it's exactly answering my question. I don't see how pundits spinning the word "objectivity" explain the point DM was making.
To clarify: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/see_the_forest_for_the_trees

In your reactions to current events, I see mostly emotional ones. Should we be outraged at the way that those at the top exploit and abuse the rest of us? Of course. Is it anything new? Obviously not.

Everyone is relativily aware they are exploited. It's identifying the exploiters and the methods they use that are not apparent to the majority.

I know what the phrase means, I do not see how it applies here.
@Einher: I would prefer a response from DM, and while I see where you're going with your response to my question to him, I'm not sure if it's exactly answering my question. I don't see how pundits spinning the word "objectivity" explain the point DM was making.

I think his point is simply that the blogger isn't being original, and that political affiliates falsely claim be deriving their views from some kind of abstract objective stance despite espousing values inscribed by specific ideological frames. So to say "We need to be more objective" doesn't really get us anywhere.

I won't presume to know exactly what DM was saying, but it seems like that was it.
Of it's hard to see who's pulling the strings, that's never obvious. To offer you some constructive criticism, Dak, I don't see you taking the long view of history (which ultimately applies to our future).

How long are we talking? Before or after civiization emerged?

Edit: Also, not only are the string pullers hidden, but most people are ignorant of what comprises the strings.

Fractional Reserve/Central banking is the worst, and yet people think it is some sort of necessity.
Not sure what you're implying. It's not a monetary policy thing right? What sort of lawsuit/restriction/etc. would you expect the banking "elite" to slap on Google Wallet?
zabu of nΩd;10010947 said:

amazed that it was a $32 billion project Boeing took on to produce the first commercial carbon-fiber plane. capitalism at work!

Ya, that plane is badass.

zabu of nΩd;10017577 said:
wow wtf is Bank of America thinking?


banks that do this shit are going to get sunk like battleships when Google Wallet comes out

There are 3 banks that people should avoid like the plague: BOA, US Bank, and Wells Fargo. They will screw you every chance they get. If have to use a bank, your local credit union is the way to go.

All large banks are shisters. Credit unions ftw.
zabu of nΩd;10017586 said:
Not sure what you're implying. It's not a monetary policy thing right? What sort of lawsuit/restriction/etc. would you expect the banking "elite" to slap on Google Wallet?

I can't project that far. I would want to see what happens to the dollar first. It wouldn't necessarily have to be restrictions, it could be inclusion.

@Sap: Don't forget Chase.