Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Most of our immigrants come looking for work or better paying jobs (that's why we have so many Mexicans). Of course, since we fucked our economy, they're arriving less frequently, so now our businessmen are looking for some other way to score cheap labor, thus the big push to bust any and all union labor.
Racism is pretty widespread here, as it is in America I'm sure. I've never heard that stat before though. Asylum seekers are a big issue here also. We get a lot of boats filled with refugees trying to flee whatever shithole they're from. How to process them is debated constantly in parliament.

Don't you guys have enough unused land to rival east Russia? They wanna escape a political/economic shithole, they can pull themselves up by the bootstraps in the Outback.
Don't you guys have enough unused land to rival east Russia? They wanna escape a political/economic shithole, they can pull themselves up by the bootstraps in the Outback.

Sure, throwing them out into the middle of the desert sounds like a great idea.

Derp Morg could take a few lessons from this Canadian.

It'd be funny if I was actually a left-winger now, wouldn't it? You seem to be thinking that because I don't cater to your tin-hat outlooks that it somewhow makes me a liberal. Or it makes me a centrist. Or a conservative. Or a communist. Or a socialist. Or a fascist. Actually, it'd be apt if I identified specifically with any sort of partisan-based approach to politics. However, I am probably about as apolitical as could be within the environment in which I work on a daily basis. So really? Fuck you.
It'd be funny if I was actually a left-winger now, wouldn't it? You seem to be thinking that because I don't cater to your tin-hat outlooks that it somewhow makes me a liberal. The only thing I need to say in response to that is this:

You fucking idiot.

Your use of the false dichotomy labeling system negates your conclusion.

Edit: Nice cop-out edit. My statement still applies. Being "apolitical" doesn't negate political effects on your life/ the lives of others.
Yea, read again, cocksucker.

And all this Richard guy represents is a pragmatist. Big fucking whoop. What an insight. I refuse to label myself with the terms used in the game. What a superstar.

What I actually find the most amusing is that I haven't posted in this thread in a month or so, yet you are still so butthurt by me taking shots at your harebained observations and conclusions that you had to name drop me in a post as though the postings of a fellow Albertan on a blog with seven followers acts as some sort of vindication for you.
Yea, read again, cocksucker.

And all this Richard guy represents is a pragmatist. Big fucking whoop. What an insight. I refuse to label myself with the terms used in the game. What a superstar.


What I actually find the most amusing is that I haven't posted in this thread in a month or so, yet you are still so butthurt by me taking shots at your harebained observations and conclusions that you had to name drop me in a post as though the postings of a fellow Albertan on a blog with seven followers acts as some sort of vindication for you.

Butthurt? Hardly. You had a certain geographical relevance to the blogger and the contents of the blog.
Nice appeal to majority though by mentioning his number of blogspot followers. You could have at least given his Twitter following number, since popularity seems to be important to you. Or you could have noted he is a successful entrepreneur RichardFantin.com. Nope, he's just some guy with 7 blogspot followers. Because the message is secondary to the popularity of the messenger.
Your use of the false dichotomy labeling system negates your conclusion.

Edit: Nice cop-out edit. My statement still applies. Being "apolitical" doesn't negate political effects on your life/ the lives of others.

So at what point did I state that I believe my being apolitical creates an ivory tower for myself, safe from the political machinations of the world around me? Did you get this impression?

Oh wait. I see where you're going with this. Since I don't put a lot of stock in your view of current events that must mean I'm just blissfully ignorant of reality.

Very, very cute.

Butthurt? Hardly. You had a certain geographical relevance to the blogger and the contents of the blog.
Nice appeal to majority though by mentioning his number of blogspot followers. You could have at least given his Twitter following number, since popularity seems to be important to you. Or you could have noted he is a successful entrepreneur RichardFantin.com. Nope, he's just some guy with 7 blogspot followers. Because the message is secondary to the popularity of the messenger.

220 Twitter follows on a Twitter account he's using on an hourly basis to throw up links to news stories. Remarkable.

Also, fuckhead, if you had an ounce of reading comprehension that wasn't addled by your need to let your emotions get the best of you, you would have noticed I addressed his message as not being original in the slightest. He stresses the importance of objectivity, pragmatism, without influence from pre-concieved subscriptions to established attitudes and conventions. That outlook forms one of the conerstone criticisms of partisanship in politics. We have the new David Hume on our hands here obviously. Richard Fantin, salute.
Ah, so now the problem is a lack of "originality". You do enjoy red herrings.

My emotions? I am not slinging ad homs around with reckless abandon.
ITT, you guys are faggots. 2 questions:
DM: I'm not clear, are you against pragmatism and objectivity? If so, why?
Dak: DM is right about one thing: your emotions to tend to cloud your worldview. I know people who view the world a lot like you do, and while they often identify the sources of our civilization's problems correctly, they can't "see the forest through the trees", if you catch my drift.
While I am not a robot, I do not see how "emotions are preventing me from seeing the forest", or whatever that means. You will need to be more specific.