Active Member
As I stated before, the first step towards any goal is education. So if people were educated that anarchy is the only means to pursue their own personal definition of happiness without pursuing it at the expense of their fellow man, eventually support for the state would collapse on it's own.
Hypothetically, though: if people were happy paying a bit of extra money each year to contribute to the happiness of others, and didn't complain about it like many of us do now (even me), would it really be so bad if certain people sacrifice a bit more for the happiness of others?
I realize I'm speaking of a utopian ideal; but if welfare was regulated so as to procure the minimal amount of money from people (so minimal, in fact, as to be nearly negligible and not a source of discomfort or unhappiness), and they were still happy giving a bit extra, I don't see a huge problem with that system.