Why? Take the simplest example: people have the right to choose an existence under state coercion. By forcing them to live an anarchist existence, you've taken away that right.
If people choose it, then it isn't coercion. You can choose to function in a co-op. Extremely different. The state (in myriad forms) owns every inch of the earth. This makes you a slave by default. You are in debt for existing.
I'm not convinced, Dak. Furthermore, I think your final claim has no realistic or logical grounding whatsoever.
Logic is essentially math. IE A+B=C. You can logically arrive at any conclusion for C, depending on what A+B is, so claiming my conclusion to be illogical would require you to find a fallacy.
"Realistic" is another animal altogether.Every monarchy has claimed any other power claim as unrealistic, etc. etc. What is realistic is determined by many factors.
The realistic possibility of anarchy, as with any other possible societal system, requires consent. Generally gaining consent from the masses requires a mix of propaganda and force. The root of propaganda lies in the intellectual class, which must make up arguments to support the state. Any intelligent statist system quickly puts the leading intellctuals on it's payroll, creating a conflict of interest.
Power struggles are inherent in human existence, and because we are beings capable of civilization, we think of terms of hierarchical power struggles and inevitably incorporate them into our survival strategies.
If government disappeared, it is completely feasible and plausible that a single individual (or group of individuals) can come into possession of a large quantity of something that is considered valuable to the common human being. If this is so, I don't see the absence of any governmental apparatus as being an obstacle to overcome.
I will not argue that various people will attempt to create coercive power structures, but the absence of the state removes their legal monopoly on violence, and removes the obfuscating dialogue concerning the misdeeds of the power structure.
Is it because a single family can't realistically maintain a plot of land larger than a certain limit? If that is the case, what makes it so improbable that they will band together with other families to harvest a large plot of land to their benefit?
This often happens in a co-op, which leaves the option of removing participation.
Civilization started somewhere, and it evolved in the interaction of entities that originally had no conception of politics and economics. As soon as you have human interaction on the lowest level you have the seeds of hierarchical power structures. There might be a reset button, but there is no "reset and stagnate" button.
Ah yes, now the "stagnate/regression" strawman. There is nothing wrong with "hierarchy", when it is consensual. The problem is coercion. "Stagnation/regression" are both, again, subjective terms.
You did not address any of my assertions directly, but attempted to justify the status quo/majority, which is at it's root an appeal to force.
While this may currently be the state of affairs, it is no moral or logical justification.
Edit: Any logical claim for a coercive state would require a logical claim for authority. Appeal to majority, status quo, or force are out. Yet these are the only claims used.
Are you seriously saying that there is no force involved in these scenarios or what? If somebody attacks me and I defend myself, I force him into a state such that he does not harm me. Or does my attacker choose not to harm me when I successfully repel him?
What is your point, that there is no difference between aggression and self defense? Or that they are objectivily equal?
Edit: You already know my argument will be from the standpoint of individual sovereignty. So please address that instead of indirect attacks.