Active Member
Did I make that assertion? Nothing can prevent people from making illegitimate authority claims, or a majority accepting and enforcing the claims through application of coercion, except knowledge.
I am not claiming to know how to get from our current status quo to a position of freedom. All I can do is shine the light/hold up the mirror, and hope that eventually, our slave masters will lose their bought and paid for intellectual support, and then eventually the majority support.
Knowledge, by definition, is dictated by limits. You hold up knowledge as a kind of universal maxim that, once all people attain it, will "set us free." While I'm absolutely for the enlightenment of the masses, I don't think knowledge functions this way. People might become enlightened to their oppressed situation, but this doesn't mean that after overthrowing the ruling class they will set off on a journey of uninhibited liberty. Most likely, those who lead the revolution will establish a new ruling class.
The more enlightened thing to do, in my opinion, is work toward a form of governmental system that serves/cooperates with its people more successfully than any of the systems hitherto attempted.
Edit: To be clear: when I say "shine the light/hold up a mirror", I mean to point out the reality that the supporter of any statist apparatus is little more than a glorified gang member. If you are "cool" with that, as an intellectual, then we have nothing more to discuss.
I understand your revolutionary approach, but I think that your proposed actions achieve little compared to your philosophy. You make excellent critiques of a statist apparatus, but your solution fails to address all the issues of your argument.
A more practical approach, in my opinion, would be no less revolutionary; but I cannot condone and can hardly imagine a situation where we attempt to let anarchy reign, primarily because I think we can come to a resolution without resorting to blind tribal brutism.
So I suppose, yes: I support some form of a statist regime, but not the one in power now. Unfortunately, ideology will always be a problem for as long as human beings retain the level of consciousness we now have; and as long as ideology is a problem, civilization will continue to develop and mature in a direction that tends toward hierarchical power structures that inevitably become "statist." Rather than keep batting ourselves away from this tendency, we should work toward a new conception of government and individual.
EDIT: and you should read Louis Althusser's "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses" if you haven't already.