Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I blame those shifty asian sword salesmen at the outback minimalls for this problem; their $25 false edged weapons entice me far more than I can stand!!

Personally, I prefer the feel of a warhammer in my grip:
I have two awesome replicas of medieval style swords. Our family crest is on one of them. I want a shield with the crest also.
I keep thinking about that scene in Indiana Jones, when that dude whips out a massive sharp scmitar, and he just fucking pegs him in the face.

Jet From Supermassive Black Hole Seen Blasting Neighboring Galaxy

By Marc Kaufman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 18, 2007; A03

A jet of highly charged radiation from a supermassive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy is blasting another galaxy nearby -- an act of galactic violence that astronomers said yesterday they have never seen before.

Using images from the orbiting Chandra X-Ray Observatory and other sources, scientists said the extremely intense jet from the larger galaxy can be seen shooting across 20,000 light-years of space and plowing into the outer gas and dust of the smaller one.

The smaller galaxy is being transformed by the radiation and the jet is being bent before shooting millions of light-years farther in a new direction.

"What we've identified is an act of violence by a black hole, with an unfortunate nearby galaxy in the line of fire," said Dan Evans, the study leader at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge. He said any planets orbiting the stars of the smaller galaxy would be dramatically affected, and any life forms would likely die as the jet's radiation transformed the planets' atmosphere.

Black holes are generally thought of as mysterious cosmic phenomena that swallow matter, but the supermassive ones that occur at the center of many -- possibly all -- galaxies also set loose tremendous bursts of energy as matter swirls around the disk of material that circles the black hole but does not make it in.

That energy, often in the form of highly charged gamma rays and X-rays, shoots out in powerful jets that can be millions of light-years long and 1,000 light-years wide.

Scientists are just beginning to understand these jets, which not only transform matter in their path but also help produce "stellar nurseries," where new stars are formed.

Evans's collaborator, Martin Hardcastle of the University of Hertfordshire in England, said the collision they have identified began no more than 1 million years ago and could continue for 10 million to 100 million more years. Hardcastle called the collision a great opportunity to learn more about the jets.

"We see jets all over the universe, but we're still struggling to understand some of their basic properties," he said. "This system . . . gives us a chance to learn how they're affected when they slam into something -- like a galaxy -- and what they do after that."

The two galaxies are more than 1.4 billion light-years away from the Milky Way galaxy (a light-year equals about 6 trillion miles). But they are close to each other in cosmic terms -- about as far as the distance from Earth to the center of the Milky Way. That the two appear to be moving toward a merger may have played a role in creating such a powerful jet from the larger galaxy's central black hole.

The researchers said that the collision would have no effect on Earth, but the process is one that could play out in our galaxy a billion years into the future.

The galaxy Andromeda is the closest to the Milky Way, and the two are gradually coming closer to each other. In time, astronomers say, the two will merge, and the process may cause the dormant central black holes in either the Milky Way or Andromeda to become active and begin sending out similarly powerful jets.

If a jet were to hit Earth, Evans said, it would destroy the ozone layer and collapse the magnetosphere that blankets the planet and protects it from harmful solar particles. Without the ozone layer and magnetosphere, he said, much of life on Earth would end.

"This jet could be causing all sorts of problems for the smaller galaxy it is pummeling," Evans said.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist from the American Museum of Natural History in New York, said the discovery illustrates how researchers can now observe astronomical phenomena using many different tools and understand how they behave at many different points along the electromagnetic spectrum. Only when scientists measure a galaxy at all different wavelengths, he said, "can you really understand what's going on."

In making their discovery, the researchers used data from three orbiting instruments -- the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer Space Telescope -- as well as ground-based observatories including the Very Large Array telescope in New Mexico and Britain's Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network. The Astrophysical Journal will publish the results next year.
Grinches rob house/ruin autistic kid's day

FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. -- Vandals in Forsyth County trashed a house, ruined the Christmas tree, stole the presents and then spray-painted a signature on a wall – the Grinch who stole Christmas.

Only two rooms in the home of Penny LeBaron and her two sons escaped enormous damage.

“We came home about 3:45 and walked into a total disaster zone,” said Penny LeBaron.

The inside of LeBaron’s home in a rural subdivision is completely trashed. She had only been gone 2 ½ hours Wednesday and brought her sons home from school to mayhem.

The vandals pounded holes in ever wall, broke up almost every piece of furniture, sprayed and splashed paint everywhere, ripped a banister off a wall and kicked out spindles. There was also a message spray-painted on the master bedroom wall. “’We are the Grinches who stole yo Xmas’ is what they wrote exactly,” said LeBaron.

“They stole our Christmas presents and everything and knocked over our tree, broke ornaments an even stole our food. And wrote a message up in the upper level of our house stating that they were the Grinches who stole our Christmas and everything and they played it out just like in the storybook,” said Penny’s son, Taylor.

One son, Elliott, is 12-years-old and autistic. Besides making hammer holes in the walls, they trashed Elliott’s room and he had just straightened it up that morning.

“It’s about the worst I’ve ever seen. It’s terrible, it really is,” said Forsyth County Sheriff’s Capt. Frank Huggins.

One sheriff’s deputy has already given them a table. “I’m grateful we’re okay and we’re focusing on what Christmas means for us, not the presents,” said Penny.

Police continue to investigate and search for the vandals.
Well if they plan on being true to the story, they have to give it all back. lol Georgia. my pals.