Mike was a sociopath and fucking Jesse deserved to die too.
I never understood Pat's sympathy for Jesse. I mean, technically we could have sympathy for all of them, but why Jesse specifically? No more an angel than any of the rest, and not even a decent excuse as an original motive (compared to Walt originally just trying to take care of his family for example).
So, here's my problem with that conclusion. It's clear that my ethics is different from yours, and I understand your libertarian ethics that interprets any government action as coercive since it operates according to, as you say, "at gun point"; but claiming that your resistance means I want you killed, or that death is even the logical result of defiance, is absurd.
You live under government control now, and you seem to be doing fine. You have your complaints, and maybe sometimes you come off as a disgruntled employee; but the awful coercion of government doesn't seem to be inspiring the choice to end your own life by resistance. And if you're suggesting that death would be the punishment, then this seems like a large bit of sensationalizing similar to that kind that martyrs seek.
But it's not sensationalism. How does completely withdrawing support not lead to death? Of course the initial initiation of withdrawal is reacted to with attempted caging. However, if the caging is also not complied with, death is absolutely the next step. This is the underlying reality to every law passed, every tax, every fee, etc. Tell me how this is not the case.
This is the gun the electorate wrestles to point at each other for their pet ends, while ignoring the evil means. Of course they ignore them because they deny it, like you are doing here. Of course it's easy to be in denial since it's so rarely brought to bear. Of course, when it is, it is rationalized and the victim is regarded as an "idiot" or "criminal". Like my friend the Neocon would be theocrat asserted "We know they are criminals for they are in jail".
Of course I'm doing all right though, I'm in full compliance

. Hell, I've gone above and beyond simple compliance. I'm a card carrying member of the most illustrious wing of the system in the eyes of the electorate. I'm now working diligently to become a valuable member to society in yet another facet, through the appropriate channels and so forth. Why? Because martyrdom rarely accomplishes anything sought(and even if it did, what good does it do the martyr?). It also violates a duty to life. Do I need to self immolate on the National Mall to be taken seriously? That seems to be the trend in other countries, if you would believe the reports anyway.
I do not settle for the fact that humans carrying out basic transactions and decisions among one another will lead to the best possible form of organized society. And I don't believe that it's either freedom - non-coercive involvement between individuals - or else coercion and forced interaction on pain of death. I'm not saying that isn't what it is now; but that isn't what it needs to be.
Coercion always reduces to a death threat or else falls away. So we are left with an either-or.