Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Easier to stay warm than to keep cool.

As long as I've got something to drink, I really don't mind the heat at all. Cold just sucks because it's constantly uncomfortable to be outside - unless you're dressed like a marshmallow, in which case it's still uncomfortable being in all the clothes.
Mostly that Russia should fuck off.
Though Georgia also sucks. Killed about 1500k of innocent people.
Georgia timed their invasion of South Ossetia to coincide with the Olympics in order to attract attention away from them.

That didn't last very long.

The Caucasus region is severely fucked up.

Also, I find the Bernie Mac story to be kind of frightening. I have a relative in the hospital right now because of pneumonia, and she's not doing very well. They had to perform major surgery and they're still not sure why it's progressing. Is pneumonia a virus or bacterial infection? And what exactly causes the fluid to build up in the lungs? Sorry, but I'm not much of a medical science kind of guy.
Stabbing victim father of '04 U.S. Olympian, father-in-law of coach

BEIJING -- The victims of a deadly stabbing attack at a tourist site in Beijing on the first day of the Olympic Games were the in-laws of the U.S. men's volleyball coach, the U.S Olympic Committee said Saturday.

The committee said Todd Bachman of Lakeville, Minn., the father of former U.S. Olympian Elisabeth Bachman, was killed. His wife, Barbara, suffered "serious and life-threatening" injuries and was transported to a local hospital for emergency treatment.

The assailant also stabbed and injured a Chinese woman serving as a tour guide with the Americans. He then committed suicide by throwing himself off a 130-foot-high balcony of the ancient landmark the Americans were visiting, the 13th century Drum Tower, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

Todd Bachman was president and CEO of Bachman's Inc., a Minneapolis-area garden center chain founded by his great-grandfather, Henry Bachman Sr., in 1885.

Their daughter, Elisabeth Bachman, a member of the 2004 U.S. women's volleyball team, is married to U.S. men's volleyball coach Hugh McCutcheon. She was present during the attack but was not injured, according to the USOC.

Personnel from the USOC and the United States Embassy were assisting the Bachman family at the hospital, the committee said.

The brutal attack shortly after midday was all the more shocking because of the rarity of violent crime against foreigners in tightly controlled China, which has ramped up security measures even more for the Olympics.

The stabbing came only hours after what by many accounts was the most spectacular opening ceremony in Olympic history and it has already dampened some of the enthusiasm.

"They are deeply saddened and shocked," Darryl Seibel, a spokesman for the U.S. Olympic Committee, said of the volleyball team.

"It is impossible to describe the depth of our sadness and shock in this tragic hour," said USOC chairman Peter Ueberroth. "Our delegation comes to the Games as a family, and when one member of our family suffers a loss, we all grieve with them. Our thoughts, prayers and deepest condolences are with the Bachman and McCutcheon families."

The official Xinhua News Agency identified the attacker as Tang Yongming, 47, from the eastern city of Hangzhou. It said Tang attacked the two Americans and their Chinese tour guide, who was also injured, at 12:20 p.m. on the second level of the ancient tower, then leapt to his death immediately afterward. The second level of the tower is about 130 feet high.

Seibel said the two Americans who were attacked were not wearing anything that would have identified them as Americans or part of the U.S. team.

"They were not wearing apparel or anything that would have specifically identified them as being members of our delegation" or as Americans, he told The Associated Press.

He said it is "too early to say" whether the U.S. delegation or athletes will require additional security.

The U.S. Embassy said it believed the attack was an isolated act and not directed at Americans or foreigners, given that the Chinese tour guide was also hurt.

"We don't believe this was targeted at American citizens, and we don't believe this has anything to do with the Olympics," embassy spokeswoman Susan Stevenson said.

The White House said President Bush, who is in Beijing for the opening days of the Games, was informed of the incident.

"Laura and I were also saddened by the attack on an American family and their Chinese tour guide today in Beijing. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. And the United States government has offered to provide any assistance the family needs."

China's Foreign Ministry had no immediate comment on the attack.

A USA basketball spokesman told ESPN.com that the U.S. men's basketball team was briefed on the attack by its director of security, Bernie Tolbert, and by the assistant executive director of men's basketball programs, Sean Ford. The team had no further comment.

Jennie Finch, a member of the U.S. softball team, said her heart skipped a beat when she heard about the attack, but she was undaunted.

"I'm here with my husband and son, so it's not easy but we're living our dreams and we're not going to live in fear," she said. "We're going to go out there every day and enjoy every day and celebrate it."

U.S. Ambassador Clark T. Randt visited the victims at a hospital in Beijing to convey the condolences of President Bush, who is in Beijing for the first days of the games.

Police blocked off streets leading to the Drum Tower immediately after the attack and cordoned off the area with yellow police tape. Security officers were examining the scene on the tower and below.

Attacks on foreigners in China are extremely rare. A Canadian model was murdered last month in Shanghai, but police said that was because she stumbled onto a burglary.

In March, a screaming, bomb-strapped hostage-taker who commandeered a bus with 10 Australians aboard in the popular tourist city of Xi'an was shot to death by a police sniper.

Shanghai and Beijing are still safer than most foreign cities of their size. Punishments for crimes against foreigners are heavier than for crimes against Chinese, and police-linked neighborhood watch groups are highly vigilant. Chinese are not allowed to own guns.

Even so, the U.S. government now warns Americans against muggings, beatings and even carjackings, especially in the nightlife and shopping districts of large cities.

Built in the 13th century, the Drum Tower is one of few ancient structures still in fast-developing Beijing. Drummers pounded their massive instruments on the hour to let people in the imperial city know the time.

International Olympic Committee spokeswoman Emmanuelle Moreau said in a statement that the committee had received reports of the attack and was in contact with Beijing Games organizers "to find out full details, and are ready to provide whatever assistance we can."
one of my mothers friends was just in the Hospital with Pneumonia as well. He was admitted to the hospital, and slipped into a coma...for 3 weeks.They dont really understand what happened to him.
Georgia timed their invasion of South Ossetia to coincide with the Olympics in order to attract attention away from them.

That didn't last very long.

The Caucasus region is severely fucked up.

Also, I find the Bernie Mac story to be kind of frightening. I have a relative in the hospital right now because of pneumonia, and she's not doing very well. They had to perform major surgery and they're still not sure why it's progressing. Is pneumonia a virus or bacterial infection? And what exactly causes the fluid to build up in the lungs? Sorry, but I'm not much of a medical science kind of guy.

There are numerous types of Pnuemonia... they can be caused by Bacteria, Virus' or Parasites. One type PCP (Pneumocytis Carinii Pnuemonia) for example is caused by a parasite and is common in patients with AIDS. The microorganisms themselves cause fluid build-up. I'd have to bust out my Physiology textbook to give a more precise scheme of things here but my guess is that our cells are constantly excreting and taking in things and that the mircoorganisms interfere with this process and cause fluid build up in the cells.
Jesus, I had no idea it was caused by all three. That's fuckin' scary. Thanks for clarifying, Thoth.

Also funugs. I believe there is some evidence that Pneumocystis is actually a parastic fungus. Yes our world is full of horrible little monsters that we cannot see. Interestingly enough some microorganisms that cause disease in some individuals don't cause it in others. Either they are just too healthy to be affected by the bug or they have a natural resistence. Your body right now is probably full of bacteria, parasites and virus' that could inflict disease on someone else who is not as healthy as you or has a different genetic background. Again the example of Pneumocystis... there are actually quite a few healthy persons with this parasite but it never causes any problems. Only in people who's immune systems have been compromised by HIV or Chemotherapy etc. does it cause any problems.
Are you a biology major or something, Thoth?

Not really. I'm finishing up my AS in Biological Sciences (I only have Microbiology to finish up). I got my AS in Natural Sciences last semester. I'm actually a Pre-Nursing major though I think I will probably end up in Rad Tech or hopefully Sonography. I wish I had had the idea to get into healthcare years ago when I was working on my Music BA though. I could have got my BA and my Pre-Reqs for Nursing out of the way and been in the healthcare field by now. Oh well... that's life :erk:.
Rad Techs make good money.

Yup. Plus they can branch out into CT Scans or Nuclear Medicine which makes alot more. Sonographers make even more than Rad Techs but it's much harder to get into the programs as many of them require a BS or for you to be a Rad Tech or a Nurse. So I'll probably get into Rad Tech and see where that leads me. I'm already on two waiting lists and I'm going to apply for 3 more programs at least after next semester.