Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

hurray for gun control

Nearly 125 Shot Dead In Chicago Over Summer
Total Is About Double The Death Toll In Iraq
CHICAGO (CBS) ― An estimated 123 people were shot and killed over the summer. That's nearly double the number of soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period.

In May, cbs2chicago.com began tracking city shootings and posting them on Google maps. Information compiled from our reporters, wire service reports and the Chicago Police Major Incidents log indicated that 123 people were shot and killed throughout the city between the start of Memorial Day weekend on May 26, and the end of Labor Day on Sept. 1.

According to the Defense Department, 65 soldiers were killed in combat in Iraq. About the same number were killed in Afghanistan over that same period.

In the same time period, an estimated 245 people were shot and wounded in the city.
I probably missed the discussion on this, but was anyone else confused about the Republicans attacking Barack Obama for being a community organizer? Did they actually just shit all over him for devoting himself to community service? Seems to me like the desire to help people and the ability to effect change at the lowest level like he did as an organizer is a great qualification for leadership. The Republicans came off like a bunch of assholes.
Community organizer is such a broad term though. I mean, there can be more than one community organizer for certain things, so it's not like he was taking the full burden of the organizing I guess.
That doesn't change the fact that he was helping his community by a being a leader. That sounds like a microcosm of the presidency to me. And besides Sarah Palin and Rudy Giuliani should be the last people to be criticizing him. She was a sports reporter and he was the shittiest mayor ever until 9/11, which of course he brought up again.
I probably missed the discussion on this, but was anyone else confused about the Republicans attacking Barack Obama for being a community organizer? Did they actually just shit all over him for devoting himself to community service? Seems to me like the desire to help people and the ability to effect change at the lowest level like he did as an organizer is a great qualification for leadership. The Republicans came off like a bunch of assholes.

did you watch Colbert Report last night?
I probably missed the discussion on this, but was anyone else confused about the Republicans attacking Barack Obama for being a community organizer? Did they actually just shit all over him for devoting himself to community service? Seems to me like the desire to help people and the ability to effect change at the lowest level like he did as an organizer is a great qualification for leadership. The Republicans came off like a bunch of assholes.
because the media and the libs say that Palin has no experience... when she actually has more than Obama.
a community organizer should be perfect for running an entire country. :rolleyes:
She's a two year governor, and he's a one year senator. Not that much of a big difference imho, least I don't really see one especially since Alaska =/= important at all. Also some presidents did decently well/good and had little experience...Reagan comes to mind. It's just not worth it to argue that Obama has no experience anymore; look who McCain picked, and he's been saying Obama has very little experience the whole time. lolocaust

If you don't understand how community organizer could be seen as comparable to a smaller version of managing a country, then I'm sorry for you.
Well, she was also elected mayor of her home town, so she still held elected office other than governor.

The governor is basically head of the state and, to me, takes more responsibility than a senator
'Scuse me, Obama has 3 years as Senator, since back in '05. He's also been a chairman of some sort of Foreign Relations subcommitee for a year and a half-ish iirc which is pretty good. Also she was the mayor of a pointless town and then governor of a pointless state, good for her. I could probably run Alaska, and if I did I wouldn't let it sink into 20+ million dollar debt after it originally had a surplus like she did :lol:

In addition, don't compare senatorial responsibility with state-governing responsibility, as they are different jobs and tough to compare on that front.