Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

If this particular election happened to be a special case in which you were, say, totally deadlocked on both major candidates' views and qualifications, and were abstaining solely because you thought either would do as good a job, then that might be understandable. But you specifically said that you don't vote [i.e. at all], which does in fact make you socially irresponsible and undeserving of the democracy you live in.

Oh right, I'm totally undeserving of the democracy I live in despite enlisting in the Marine Corps, being medically discharged due to a road-side bomb that blew up the humvee I was in damaging my knee during my tour in Iraq, the volunteer work I do throughout the year in support of the city I live in, and the money I donate to various charities in Indianapolis. Totally undeserving. What do you do that makes you so deserving again?

How about go fuck yourself? Just because I haven't voted yet (technically speaking I was only eligible for 1 presidential election vote thus far, which I couldn't use anyway BECAUSE I WAS IN IRAQ), doesn't mean I'm undeserving of anything. It's a freedom and a right, something I haven't taken upon myself to do yet. Why might you ask? Because I haven't felt strongly enough about a candidate to use my vote. I take it very personally, if I'm going to vote for someone, I want them to be as close to my personal beliefs as possible. That hasn't happened, therefore I haven't voted.
John McCain’s campaign mobilized its new “Palin Truth Squad” Tuesday to accuse Barack Obama of comparing McCain’s running mate to a pig, and called on him to apologize.

The “Truth Squad” was announced as way for the McCain campaign to counter attacks on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and consists of dozens of McCain supporters.

The group’s first objection came just a couple hours later when Obama drew a pig analogy when describing his opponents before a Lebanon, Va., crowd.

“John McCain says he’s about change, too, and so I guess his whole angle is, ‘Watch out George Bush.’ Except for economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove-style politics … That’s not change. That’s just calling something the same thing, something different,” Obama said.

“But you know … you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. You know, you can … wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change, it’s still going to stink after eight years.”

The “lipstick on a pig” expression is common in Washington, D.C., and Obama’s campaign said he wasn’t referring to Palin.

But McCain supporter Jane Swift, former Republican governor of Massachusetts, said the line was clearly directed at the Alaska governor. That’s because Palin frequently jokes that “lipstick” is the difference between a hockey mom like herself and a pitbull.

“It’s clear to me … that Senator Obama owes Governor Palin an apology,” Swift said, calling Obama’s comments “disgraceful.”

She said, “This is just the latest in a series of comments that many folks like me will find offensive.”

The Obama campaign swiftly circulated a 2007 article that quoted McCain using the term “lipstick on a pig” to refer to a health care proposal from Hillary Clinton.

A questioner at the Virginia event also asked Obama to join Republicans and agree that candidates’ families and religion are off limits. Palin’s pregnant teenage daughter and the teachings of her church, the nondenominational Wasilla Bible Church, have been the subject of scrutiny since McCain picked her as his running mate.

Obama responded that he already has said families are off limits and he’s very protective of his daughters, 10-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha. He said he doesn’t want their inevitable future mistakes to become newspaper fodder if he gets to the White House.

He stressed that he’s a Christian and “so the fact that Governor Palin is deeply religious, that’s a good thing.” He said poking around in her religion or saying it’s wrong is “offensive” and he wants to have a debate about the issues.

“But don’t give people some sort of religious litmus test because I don’t want somebody to question my faith and I’m certainly not going to question somebody else’s,” he said.

Come on. How stupid do they think we are. I guess John McCain forgot what similes were.
It's only because she's a woman and gave a decent speech.

I really don't want to think that the American public is as utterly stupid as to support a candidate just because they're female, but it does kind of look that way. Though it could still be because she's a die-hard social conservative and thus is getting all the fanatical Christians excited.
Oh right, I'm totally undeserving of the democracy I live in despite enlisting in the Marine Corps, being medically discharged due to a road-side bomb that blew up the humvee I was in damaging my knee during my tour in Iraq, the volunteer work I do throughout the year in support of the city I live in, and the money I donate to various charities in Indianapolis. Totally undeserving. What do you do that makes you so deserving again?

How about go fuck yourself? Just because I haven't voted yet (technically speaking I was only eligible for 1 presidential election vote thus far, which I couldn't use anyway BECAUSE I WAS IN IRAQ), doesn't mean I'm undeserving of anything. It's a freedom and a right, something I haven't taken upon myself to do yet. Why might you ask? Because I haven't felt strongly enough about a candidate to use my vote. I take it very personally, if I'm going to vote for someone, I want them to be as close to my personal beliefs as possible. That hasn't happened, therefore I haven't voted.

Lay off the guilt trip if you please. I was talking about voting obviously, and I do think that being aware and concerned about politics is a very important part of being a citizen. Since you initially made it sound like you don't give a shit about politics, I wanted to question you on that, but now that you've better explained your feelings about the coming election, I can better accept your explanation.
Eh, sorry about the blow-up. Just kind of felt like I was being pushed into a corner so I just reacted. Regardless, I've been here long enough for people like you guys to know me a little better than how you guys come off with regards to my posts or my opinions. If you disagree that's cool, but there's no sense in trying to berate me, or anyone for that matter, because it only invokes a reaction similar to the one I had.

This does not apply to football btw.
It shouldn't, because you clearly implied that you don't give a shit about politics. If you had explained it rationally and thoughtfully in the first place you wouldn't have had to blow up, because your ignorant-sounding posts wouldn't have elicited such responses as mine and Grant's.

It shouldn't, because you clearly implied that you don't give a shit about politics.

No I didn't.

If you had explained it rationally and thoughtfully in the first place you wouldn't have had to blow up, because your ignorant-sounding posts wouldn't have elicited such responses as mine and Grant's.


Rationally and thoughtfully like how you responded to my comments in the first place? Right...