Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

If your point is that those who call themselves Christian aren't actually following the Bible to the letter, that's a whole different story. Obviously the reason we have all the stupid laws and customs I mentioned above is not because they're all found written in the Bible, but because the way most Christians interpret the Bible leads them to support those laws and customs.
OR we could just play minority/victim while at the same time making gross and uninformed generalizations of our own. You see what I'm saying yet? Or is it just OK for someone like me to be tossed under the bus, but not you?

You may think what you like but there simply isn't and hasn't been an enormous amount that is actually Christian about modern American society and that is how it is.
see, and I'll note that I didn't even say 'the Bible', but rather was querying on the backbone of the particular Christ-centered 'religion', which can be found strictly in the four Gospels, and supplemented by the letters of Paul. But you at least sort of get what you mean.

You might think it's trivial, but it would get old to you too, trust me. I'm saying put slightly more thought into it when you are unhappy about similar things being slapped onto you.
OR we could just play minority/victim while at the same time making gross and uninformed generalizations of our own. You see what I'm saying yet? Or is it just OK for someone like me to be tossed under the bus, but not you?

You may think what you like but there simply isn't and hasn't been an enormous amount that is actually Christian about modern American society and that is how it is.

I really don't understand what the hell you're getting at. Obviously Christianity has had an enormous influence on our government, and the policies it has enacted, throughout U.S. history. Just because we're not a totalitarian theocracy like Saudi Arabia doesn't mean we're a secular, "un-Christian" country. Did you just completely miss the point of the article I posted or what?
The poll really doesn't take into account people to have beliefs outside the accepted religious systems (like myself, who technically for that poll would have said I have no religion although I follow the Bible much more closely than most "Christians"), and the majority of people who answer Catholic only because thats what their parents were, and go to Mass like twice a year.
That isn't going to get them very many "Jesus" points.
for a second there i thought either vihris or OCI were really sad people and commented 6 times in a row
Please submit proof that America was Christian much at all in the first place.

The first European settlers here, commonly called Pilgrims, were a religiously persecuted sect of Christians. I could go on, but if I have to point out how the people who fought for independence from England were clearly Christians, I'd lose all faith in you as a human being since that is incredibly obvious to anyone who has read about them, read their writings and also heard our national anthem. "In God is our trust" was also considered one of the mottos of the early American colonies, presaging "In God we trust."

Any more stupid requests?
meh...I do try and think better of ya'll, but I'm gonna just need to learn my lesson and realize you're gonna be how you're gonna be and think what you're gonna think pretty much no matter what.

Also..yeah...not that I would have any idea what I'm talking about or anything like that. Good lord. Moving on.. :Smug:
Chuck Norris & Glenn Beck to host "We Surround Them" telecast event

This raises a lot of questions in my mind. Why is FOXnews, Rupert Murdoch to be specific, the same guy running socialist agenda pushing Fox, allowing something like this on a 5pm time slot, or at all.

I like how Chuck did a 180 from not supporting Ron Paul in the elections to now suggesting secession. Glenn Beck has jumped on the "omg lets question the official story" bandwagon pretty late and why?Also again, why is it being allowed?

FOXnews has been pretty consistent in being the Republican Party phanboi of media, so why are they letting Beck jump in the unit and break rank?

Things aren't adding up.
It's official Texas Republican Phil Gramm was listed number 2 on "People to Blame for the Financial Crisis".

In my book Number 1 would be Christians because they are so stupid and brainwashed.
Phil Gramm was to be John McCain's Economic Adviser until he blurted out some stupid arrogant belligerent neocon propaganda.