Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Hey geniuses. Guess who supplies Central American armies.

Also: "The enhanced weaponry represents a wide sampling from the international arms bazaar, with grenades and launchers produced by U.S., South Korean, Israeli, Spanish or former Soviet bloc manufacturers. Many had been sold legally to governments, including Mexico's, and then were diverted onto the black market. Some may be sold directly to the traffickers by corrupt elements of national armies, authorities and experts say."
That's not the point. You and Dakryn were acting like the US arms industry has not had an effect on the arms race in Mexico when it clearly has. So have the arms industries in those other countries but that's not what I was trying to point out.
The problem is the spin where the average person thinks that if we just banned guns in the US all violent crime everywhere (or at least here and in Mexico) would cease.

hey cool position bro only most people who actually have an opinion aren't that fucking dumb.
hey cool position bro only most people who actually have an opinion aren't that fucking dumb.

I beg to differ. Dumb isn't quite accurate, dumbed-down would be more accurate. It's not necessarily someone's fault they get lied to in various degrees about nearly everything for their entire life, but it happens. If you started asking people on the street their opinion about anything important, they either wouldn't care, or would just repeat whatever they heard on the morning/evening news without even thinking.

@ Cookie: You cannot blame the tool for the action of the user.

I have a ton of fire-causing agents in my house, I don't run around and set fire to everything. Lets ban anything that can cause a fire and look at the millions we can save in prevented arson damage amirite?

The US arms industry and buyers are not to blame for the decided use of Mexican drug cartels, especially when the majority of the cartel buying isn't even 2nd hand.

An Ohio man says he is seeking a jury trial on a charge of driving under the influence that was slapped on him after he crashed the vehicle he was piloting -- a barstool.
The barstool was welded to a small metal frame attached to a five-horsepower lawnmower engine.

The barstool was welded to a small metal frame attached to a five-horsepower lawnmower engine.

"It was just an accident. I mean a little minor accident," Kile Wygle, 28, explained in an interview this week with CNN affiliate WSYX.

His homemade vehicle was made from a barstool welded to a small metal frame attached to a five-horsepower lawnmower engine, four wheels and a lawnmower steering wheel, according to the Newark, Ohio, police accident report.

Officers responding to a report of a crash with injuries March 4 said they found Wygle nursing his injuries and highly intoxicated. According to the police report, when asked how much he had had to drink, Wygle responded, "a lot."

He crashed during his attempt at a U-turn while speeding down the street in front of his home -- a daring move from atop the specialized barstool even for the most nimble and sober of men. Measuring 6-foot-1 and 230 pounds, and after having consumed what he later told an officer was 15 beers, Wygle appeared to be neither.

He was treated at a hospital for minor injuries.

According to the police report, Wygle claims his unique vehicle can reach a speed of 38 miles per hour, though at the time of the crash he was going around 20.

He entered a plea of not guilty
I know theres a pun here, but this story is so hilarious by itself I'll just let it be....unless....onder?
The myth of 90%

A Look at the Numbers

In 2007-2008, according to ATF Special Agent William Newell, Mexico submitted 11,000 guns to the ATF for tracing. Close to 6,000 were successfully traced -- and of those, 90 percent -- 5,114 to be exact, according to testimony in Congress by William Hoover -- were found to have come from the U.S.

But in those same two years, according to the Mexican government, 29,000 guns were recovered at crime scenes.
This sounds promising, given how skeptical the French and German leaders were about Obama's position:

G-20 Agrees on Huge Stimulus, Tough Regulations to End Economic Crisis
By Sonja Pace
02 April 2009

Leaders of the world's 20 major developed and emerging economies have agreed on huge spending measures to boost world economies and implement tougher financial regulations to try avoid such crises in future.

Coming out of their full day meeting in London, G-20 leaders spoke of success, unprecedented consensus and historic compromises.

They pledged $1 trillion for the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other global institutions for individual countries to draw on to restore credit, economic growth and jobs.

"In an age when our economies are linked more closely than ever before, the whole world has been touched by this devastating downturn," said President Obama. "And today, the world's leaders have responded with an unprecedented set of comprehensive and coordinated actions."

President Obama said lessons of the past had been learned.

"Faced with similar global economic challenges in the past, the world was slow to act, and people paid an enormous price," said Mr. Obama. "That was true in the Great Depression [of the 1930s], when nations prolonged and worsened the crisis by turning inward, waiting for more than a decade to meet the challenge together."

Summit host, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the world had come together with a united plan to combat the global recession.

"We believe that in this new global age, our prosperity is indivisible," said Gordon Brown. "We believe that global problems require global solutions. We believe that growth to be sustained must be shared and that trade must once again become an engine of growth."

The summit's emphasis clearly was on coordinated action. G-20 leaders said they will maintain their current stimulus plans and expansionary policies as long as needed.

"Together, these actions give us confidence that the global economy can return to growth even faster than the International Monetary Fund is now predicting," Brown said.

There were vows against protectionism and for tougher measures to regulate banks, credit rating agencies and hedge funds, and a crackdown on tax havens.

"The banking secrecy of the past must come to an end," said Britain's prime minister.

The measures announced are wide ranging. But economic analysts say that what is just as crucial is that the leaders project a united front and a commitment to coordinate efforts to combat the crisis.

One after the other, the G-20 leaders seemed intent on doing just that. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the summit exceeded his expectations and German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke of a very good, almost historic compromise.

No one, it seemed, was going to bring up the differences within the G-20. The United States and Britain had wanted more government stimulus spending while Germany, France and most other European nations wanted tougher regulation of the financial sector. Some of the poorer nations wanted to ensure they were not forgotten and the bigger emerging economies, such as China and India, were intent on having a bigger say at the summit.

Throughout the meetings, a wide variety of protesters turned out to make their voices heard. On Wednesday, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of central London - including anti-war, anti-poverty and anti-globalization groups as well as environmentalists and anarchists. While most of the marching resembled a giant street party, there were clashes with police and some arrests. On Thursday, the demonstrators who turned up around the ExCel Center, where the G-20 leaders met, were reported in the hundreds.
This sounds promising, given how skeptical the French and German leaders were about Obama's position:

"Leaders of the world's 20 major developed and emerging economies have agreed on huge spending measures to boost world economies and implement tougher financial regulations to try avoid such crises in future."

Oh, so they agree with Obama's insane economic policies. Yeah, sounds real promising.
So how many cases in which a government flooded it's economy with paper(fiat) money did they ever recover and reverse the eventually out of control inflation?

This isn't even just "forcing a flow of money" (which by the way has just been dumping a lot of money into shit that should have failed), it's going to devalue the shit out of the dollar.