Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

With all the pollution we are pouring into the environment on a daily basis, I find it impossible to believe that we haven't had a large impact. Yes, the earth's temperature patterns are cyclical, but perhaps the changes would be a much more minimal if we didn't so carelessly waste resources/pour co2 in the air.
Mathiäs;9866036 said:
With all the pollution we are pouring into the environment on a daily basis, I find it impossible to believe that we haven't had a large impact. Yes, the earth's temperature patterns are cyclical, but perhaps the changes would be a much more minimal if we didn't so carelessly waste resources/pour co2 in the air.

There's a difference between CO2 and actual pollution. Car exhaust is negligible. Also, historic climate cycles have tended to be severe, and we were much warmer in some of the high cycles than during the industrial revolution and onward.

Im much more concerned with operations like fracking and the GMO plants and animals than car and cow farts.
They sure don't mind riling people up over imaginary terror "threats" though. Edit: or the unrestrained horrors of raw milk and sprouts :rolleyes: .
It was, until very recently, an active power plant (the reactor was shut down in April). It is also a collection point for spent fuel. At any rate, it is not the sort of facility you would want to get swallowed up by the Missouri River.
Obama follows in Bush footsteps

In a campaign marked by stinging criticism of President George W. Bush's alleged executive excess, candidate Obama wrote: "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."

Hi, Libya.

Hope and change baby!!!
I think the idiots who smoke marijuana have every right to do so, just like the idiots who drink (like myself) or do crack (like DD) have the right to do so.

The concept of Government should have nothing to do with completely individual based entertainment and merriment.
gay marriage in New York: one more thing for self-righteous liberals to feel good about themselves over. good stuff though.
It was the Buffalo senator Mark Grisanti who was an influential swing vote in that getting passed. He got a lot of hate mail and messages from supporters he pissed off. When he was campaigning he pledged to oppose gay marriage, but after getting elected he began researching the issue and when push came to shove, realized he couldn't ethically deny people that right.

I'm really proud of him for doing it, because he knew he was going to alienate most of the people who voted for him. He definitely won a lot of supporters, but I don't think he can get elected again on a Republican ticket.