Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I would bet good money that Fox outlives whatever kind of shitstorm News Corp goes through. It's a popular TV network so it probably brings in enough money that other media companies would gladly buy it.
FOXnews dying would be as joyous an occasion as CNN and MSNBC going down. Unfortunately, for some reason Fox has John Stossel, who might be the only sane person left in the MSM. I can't even figure out why they have him on, since he disgrees with the all their talking heads.
zabu of nΩd;9921356 said:
I would bet good money that Fox outlives whatever kind of shitstorm News Corp goes through. It's a popular TV network so it probably brings in enough money that other media companies would gladly buy it.

Sure, but if someone else owned them it'd be a million times better.

And I love Rachel too. She's married to a surprisingly unattractive woman, though, I thought she could do much better than that.
FOXnews dying would be as joyous an occasion as CNN and MSNBC going down. Unfortunately, for some reason Fox has John Stossel, who might be the only sane person left in the MSM. I can't even figure out why they have him on, since he disgrees with the all their talking heads.

Neither CNN or MSNBC is as vindictive as Fox is, though, and they rarely push obvious bullshit as real stories.
Mathiäs;9922297 said:
Neither CNN or MSNBC is as vindictive as Fox is, though, and they rarely push obvious bullshit as real stories.

I've seen just as much bullshit on MSNBC as on Fox. CNN is the only cable news channel that's even close to being reputable. Honestly, The C-SPAN networks are the only cable networks that have any actual news on them, though it's just extremely boring news that is little value to those outside of politics.
One of my managers who is from Norway was giving me a pretty good reason as to why those face veil bans are a positive thing in Europe, though I hardly remember what it was now.