Damage Done in stock @ theendrecords!!!

Originally posted by SergeantD1

There you go again starting trouble for no reason with wise-ass remarks.

How about you get a thicker skin and quit being such a fucking pussy? There's a thought for starters.

Now, if you're ready to stop whining, then post again and defend why you'd make such a stupid comment in the first place. Who really gives a shit if you've HEARD that the album is not good? Listen to it and come up with your own opinion you fucking sheep. Goddamnit, I've had it with idiots today.

Oh yeah, my apologies. It WILL happen again.
LOL, internet toughguys like you make me laugh. Thinking that you are the thread police and shit. And then you talk all tough like this forum is your world. It's pretty fuckin sad that you take this shit so seriously. Fact is that you just poked your big nose into this for no apparent reason but to start some trouble. You need a reality check troublemaker.
Originally posted by SergeantD1
LOL, internet toughguys like you make me laugh. Thinking that you are the thread police and shit. And then you talk all tough like this forum is your world. It's pretty fuckin sad that you take this shit so seriously. Fact is that you just poked your big nose into this for no apparent reason but to start some trouble. You need a reality check troublemaker.

Yes, I'm an internet toughguy. And this forum is my world. You are correct, because you KNOW me, I forgot.

The fact of the matter is that I made a simple comment, yes it was sarcastic. If you weren't such a fucking crybaby everytime somebody said something to you on an internet forum, I wouldn't even be bothering. But I figure I'm doing you a service. Like I said, toughen up. What happens in the real world? Do you cry and tell people they're being mean to you? Fucking A, WHO needs the reality check?

Listen up dickhead: I have a home, I have a car, I have a decent-paying job, a college education, more bills than I know what to do with, a grandmother who's dying, a mother with a clinically diagnosed bipolar mental illness, a girlfriend of 2 years who just told me we fucked up and she got pregnant...shall I go on? Why don't YOU join the fucking world buddy. Reality check? Please motherfucker. I AM reality.