Damage Done is...

Damage Done is

  • The best album they ever did

    Votes: 46 25.8%
  • Better than Haven

    Votes: 83 46.6%
  • About as good as Haven

    Votes: 33 18.5%
  • Worse than Haven

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • The worst album they ever did

    Votes: 6 3.4%

  • Total voters
I've been thinking for a while on this one.. and I still can't make up my mind.
I think half of the songs on Haven are better than any song on DD. But the other half aren't as good as any song on DD. In the end, I'll take either, so I guess I should stop thinking so hard before I hurt myself.
to me this is a solid album.

makes me wonder in which direction DT will head in next because i dont think i could handle another Damage Done.

its a good album but i just think its too similar to whole way through. DT dont seem to have much variation in this album, its just straight out melodic death metal.

i really became excited with projector. but haven and DD have kinda let me down.

i just think they need to be more interesting. It still shits on alot of melodic death metal out there...but i think DT could produce something more epic instead of giving us the same stuff over and over again
Originally posted by jester00

its a good album but i just think its too similar to whole way through. DT dont seem to have much variation in this album

instead of giving us the same stuff over and over again
That kind of criticism is funny coming from an Opeth fan.
Worse than Haven. The worst they ever did? Too extreme to be true maybe, but I happen sometimes to think about it. A disappointment, very personal though.
Originally posted by unstableground
Unstable Ground would like to give admiration to Dark Tranquility.
So would like thousands..errr.....millions ( :grin: ) more fans of DT, but they choose a more productive and less spamming way to do it.
Originally posted by Ormir
That kind of criticism is funny coming from an Opeth fan.

you yourself ormir said the exact same thing in your review of damage done.
ormir's quote from the Damage Done review

"There is really nothing that hasn't been done before by DT on this one, despite how well the fusion has worked.
Unfortunately, Damage Done is nothing more than a melodic death metal release, and surely a dissapointment to anyone who has followed their musical metamorphosis."

i dont see your point in trying to flame opeth 24/7

get out more

stop trolling
Originally posted by jester00
stop trolling

trolling? ormir? :confused:

can't we just foster mutual understanding trying to come to terms with the fact that the comment "funny coming from an opeth fan" is perfectly valid as long as it comes from one who's not a fan of opeth?
in short - he might as well have said the very same thing, but in his case it could be less funny since he doesn't like opeth.
oh, well... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by jester00
you yourself ormir said the exact same thing in your review of damage done.
Yes. Even though I think that's true, that's also the main reason I criticise Opeth (who's level of formulaic repetition DT have not reached). I find it strange someone with an Opeth quote as a sig and their logo as an avatar can level a criticism such as that with a straight face. "The pot said to the kettle".
Originally posted by Ormir
Yes. Even though I think that's true, that's also the main reason I criticise Opeth (who's level of formulaic repetition DT have not reached). I find it strange someone with an Opeth quote as a sig and their logo as an avatar can level a criticism such as that with a straight face. "The pot said to the kettle".

anyone who said that clayman is as important as reign is blood has no credibility in my eyes
Originally posted by jester00
what it has to do with it is that me and you are clearly not on the same planet musically.

well, everybody is going to say i'm being partial, but... you still didn't read it all, have you? :Smug:

i mean, how long does it take to get to the last paragraph? yes, the one below the line of +'s. five minutes? ten, assuming you're a very slow reader or you're juggling eight double-edged knives on each hand at the same time?

once before i suggested trying to understand what the other guy was actually saying. now i strongly recommend backing up before stumbling into the dark crevasses of ridicule.

oh look its ormir's faithful bumchum

yes i read it. if yuo were paying attention it was actually me who brought that review up .

he gave it 10/10 .

what i was saying is we have different musical tastes obviously.

did you actaully read my post?

bottomline is that i made a sensible post about damage done which ormir himself aggrees with.

then he decides to give me a hard time SIMPLY because i have an opeth avatar and signature.

i just think its sad
Nothing I could say could make him look more ridiculous, so I'll just leave it at that. I don't want this "argument" to continue please.
Originally posted by jester00
oh look its ormir's faithful bumchum

yes i read it. if yuo were paying attention it was actually me who brought that review up .

1. you didn't. he didn't give it 10/10. the reviewer he was quoting did. the line below the +'s (the one perhaps doesn't show on your monitor) states that quite clearly, and it also states that ormir's opinion is - in fact - quite the opposite.
let me explain this to you with an example:

you're a pathetic moron


this is everybody's opinion, but i happen to disagree: you're a child molester.

see how it works? now please come back tomorrow with at least 4 similar examples and you might even make it to second grade this time.

2. ormir's faithful bumchum's patience with plain stupidity is - generally speaking - quite low. now it's grown so short it rivals with his height. either you learn how to read or kindly take your half-assed remarks about something that never happened to another board or planet.
