Damage Done is...

Damage Done is

  • The best album they ever did

    Votes: 46 25.8%
  • Better than Haven

    Votes: 83 46.6%
  • About as good as Haven

    Votes: 33 18.5%
  • Worse than Haven

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • The worst album they ever did

    Votes: 6 3.4%

  • Total voters
Heh, this is funny - someone accusing Ormir (of all people) for liking Clayman! :lol:

Jester00: I have no knowledge of Ormir's relationship with Slayer's music, but I'm pretty damn sure he is one of those people who greatly dislike In Flames' post-Whoracle stuff. The review you are referring to was never written by Ormir - he just quoted it from some webpage, as you should have seen in the first place. Now, adding here your similar views about Damage Done, I'm tempted to say you are pretty much on the same planet musically - and damn close to each other in addition to that.

The only difference being that you like Opeth and Ormir does not.

Heh, this is getting ridiculous :lol:
Jester, just go and read once again that review ormir posted. Do it slowly and use your glasses if needed. Of course you can always admit being dyslexic, if that is the case here :rolleyes: (joke: dyslexic atheist does not believe in dog :p)

And if despite multiple attempts you still fail to read and/or comprehend the last few lines clearly denoting that Ormir wasn't the one who originally wrote that review, I can quote it here:

"Scary thing is, that this is not a joke, and from one of most respected and "high-quality" metal zines www.metalbite.com. One of their main reviewers at that."

Or maybe you are implying that Ormir is the reviewer in metalbite and is deriding his own review here in UM? ;)
Now that it's been out for a while, how do people like the album after having it for a few months? Has anyone's feelings changed since they first got it?

I got it a month ago. Its good, but nothing special in my opinion. Final Resistence and Hours passed in exile are the only REALLY good tracks on there, IMO. Everything else kinda sounds the same.

If they had better riffs they'd be a lot better. The riffs are pretty weak on this album IMO. This is the only DT album I have....I dont know if the guitars are better on the other albums. I hope they are.

So whats everyone think?
I don't think DT's ever been about really distinctive riffs, have they? More of a "focus on the whole song" kind of band, especially with the past few records.

Damage Done is good, I'd place it in the middle if I had to rank DT's albums.. not as good as Projector or Skydancer/Of Chaos And Eternal Night, possibly better than Haven depending on my mood.

I want the return of the clean vox on the next album dammit.
No really weak songs on the album, they'r all about the same, which is the problem for me. The guitarwork is very vibrant on Damage Done, it stands out more and thus it sounds more like Projector the album is also however more agressive than Projector. I found all of the songs to stand very well on their own, but together on the album i found them monotonous.
I still like it quite a lot. Still it pays a visit in my cd-player about once or twice a week. Actually I'm listening to it right now :)
About monotonousness.. I think Gallery is _The Monotonous_ album in DT's discography. I find DD no more monotonous than any of the other albums.
I think the songs in DD are very well linked together, when you play the whole cd they flow nicely from the one to the next, but still they can stand very well on their own.
DD is still one of the few albums i can listen so often from beginning to end, and i listen to it quite often.
Lately i've related to its lyrics a great lot, so it's become even more special to me.
My favourite DT album has reverted back to Haven. Damage Done is just repetetive to me; I miss the delicate electronics and very fragile sonic spaces in Haven that are almost completely missing in Damage Done. DD is more a blur of heavy guitars, which for me, doesn't do the whole Dark Tranquillity thing.
i've seen another music-related board where the "dark tranquillity - damage done" topic is a sticky thread because of how important this release is considered. i'm not going to post the link because there are very specific directions to download damage done for free, but if you're really interested try looking for a german site featuring lots of links to albums downloadable on the edonkey/emule network.
if you have no idea what i'm talking about this means it's past your bedtime. :p

no sleep 'til bedtime! :lol:

sorry, ravhin. :blush:

author request: please correct my board faux pas and use your magic wand to miraculously forge this thread into the Damage Done thread. :)