Damn, I'm hungry....


Lurker Emeritus
Feb 11, 2002
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Whoever made the rule that you can't eat for eight fucking hours before you have surgery? That sucks. Then after you have the surgery you don't feel like eating. I'm having arthroscopic surgery on my knee this afternoon. At least it's a day off work! :p

Because the anaesthetists hate it when the drugs make you nauseous and you puke while you're going under or buzzing on the anaesthetic, and it goes into your lungs and gives you an aspiration pneumonia at best, or a Bon Scott-style death at the worst. You'll be eating again soon enough my friend...good luck with the surgery!
Yeah, it still sucks though! Don't you think patients would be much more relaxed if they just had a big fat steak and a beer? :D
I would!

It's no big deal...I've had my left ACL reconstructed...now THAT sucked!

Hope you're doing all right!
I had to starve myself yesterday. They had to stick a camera down my throat to see my ulcers. Turned out I didn't have any, but I have a hiatal hernia, and mild antral gastritis, whatever that is.:)
Ty's been down that road before.
Ty- The last thing I remember is that nasty spray. Then I was escorted to a chair, and they had the pictures of my stomach.
I'll post them on my site!:lol:
The surgery went great. I had a plica :confused: which my doctor says most people aren't even born with...it's an extra band of tissue or something like that...whatever it was it was rubbing against my medial meniscus (cartilage) and caused a small tear. They repaired the cartilage and removed the plica. Heck, I didn't even have to take a pain pill, not even any ibuprofen, after surgery. Wanna know the beautiful thing? He prescribed me Vicodin with two frickin' refills!

To steal a line from Scott...

Vicodin for all my friends :D
Glad the surgery went okay, coop.

And ThraxDude, that sounds like FUN!! :lol: Feel better, man.

NFF, you also left out that anesthesiologists SUCK!! :lol: Mine did anyway. He made me cry!!! :waah: He's lucky I can't remember his name and he was wearing a mask so I won't recognize him if I get his mean ass again. :mad: