Damn, this was a bitch to type up


Vein-Marbled Tower
May 29, 2008
Berlin, Germany
so the lead guitarist in my band wanted to write a sort of introduction speech to put on our myspace and what not. i thought it was a somewhat silly idea but i didn't mind. and this is what he came up with... (tell me what you think)

"Rife with conflict and travail, society is breathing dying breaths. Weakness and ignorance are overtaking youth. Apathy and cowardice have infected the adults. We are in the center of a burgeoning dystopia. Every young man who addicts himself to drugs to escape the real word is abetting this downfall of civilization. Every young girl who accepts the warped MTV opinion of what she should be drives a dagger into the back of her forefathers who formed the world in which she lives.

Where is responsibility? Where is consequence? Where is the wisdom of our fathers? Where is the standard of conduct? To say that you are a man in today's world means nothing. A fool can impregnate a woman, a fool can accept government handouts, and a fool can steal what isn't his. To build, to achieve, to create, to learn... these are traits that no longer receive respect.

Why? Laziness and complacency are the order of the day. An attitude of entitlement plagues the masses. Like spoiled children throwing tantrums over having to eat vegetables, people complain and whine their way to mediocrity.

This continues because no one has the courage to stand up and judge degenerate behavior for what it is. There is no will, no fortitude, no rising up for what is right. Making sacrifices to excel is a thing of the past. The desire for greatness, the desire to dream, has be replaced by the desire for instant gratification.

If you have an opinion and somebody disagrees, keep it to yourself... you might offend them. If you have an opinion that is controversial... then do not dare let it see the light of day. After all, why should tolerance apply to freedom of thought?

There is far to much sensitivity floating around America. Politically Correct is a term that now means censorship. Not just of words, but of ideas. Spouting inoffensive, innocuous platitudes to make people feel good... that reinforce their "self-esteem" is the way to popularity. Show them a standard, a truth, an absolute in their tiny relativist world, and their reason crumbles like the shell it is underneath an outpouring of emotional dialectic. You will not be liked by many.

There are too many things wrong in the world to list. The only way to possibly make things right is to inspire free thought. Critical thinking, problem solving, logic, rationality... these are the tools man needs to free himself from the bonds which encircle him. Government intervention and religion cannot save you. The second you lose control of your mind to anything, be it a drug, a dictator, or a deity, you have lost yourself.

These are the issues presented in the lyrics of Atropos. These lyrics represent a broad spectrum of ideals, opinions, and emotions.

They present the many themes pertinent to worldly hardships of the here and now. Their fallacies of organized religion are attacked, the end result of lives not lived to their full potential are revealed as are the consequences of Man's failure to rely upon himself. Gruesome metaphors are sometimes used to better illustrate our perception of the deterioration of mankind's values.

Just as our lyrics present these difficult themes and concepts, so too does our music present dissonant and complex sounds.

Dark melodies, powerful riffs, and intricate structures abound every song and serves as a vessel that inspires the listener's mind. Unresolved cadences, cacophonous chords, and sudden tempo changes keep the listener in suspense, and at the same time, demonstrates the great creative talent of the band itself.

We are Atropos, and we intend to conquer the world with our music. We will cas off the chains of mainstream conformity and dash the expectations of trend following drones. We are here to perform our best, to write our best, and to give our listeners the best experience they can have when they listen to our music. It is our objective to make our music the way we want to make it, with creativity and not with compromise..."

he uses way too many huge words (damn english major) and he gets a bit cocky at the end there but none the less, i feel it fits us fairly well. we can defiantly say we have different ideals than most bands :lol:
Pack your views into the lyrics or liner notes. As an ad, it won't work because noone will read it (plus, I agree with Josh that it's pretty pretentious).

The end, where you describe your band, is ok. BUT make shure that you guys are really like described. If you are amateurs ( and tbh, judging by the stuff I heard from you yet, you ARE amateurs) in songwriting and playing, these sentences are pure bragging. Especially the other bands in the local area will laugh at you if you praise yourself in the highest words. And at the beginning, it's very important to stick together with these other bands, otherwise, nothing will work. Believe me, I know that.
Pack your views into the lyrics or liner notes. As an ad, it won't work because noone will read it (plus, I agree with Josh that it's pretty pretentious).

The end, where you describe your band, is ok. BUT make shure that you guys are really like described. If you are amateurs ( and tbh, judging by the stuff I heard from you yet, you ARE amateurs) in songwriting and playing, these sentences are pure bragging. Especially the other bands in the local area will laugh at you if you praise yourself in the highest words. And at the beginning, it's very important to stick together with these other bands, otherwise, nothing will work. Believe me, I know that.

I agree with Corny plus...

Just as our lyrics present these difficult themes and concepts, so too does our music present dissonant and complex sounds.

Dark melodies, powerful riffs, and intricate structures abound every song and serves as a vessel that inspires the listener's mind. Unresolved cadences, cacophonous chords, and sudden tempo changes keep the listener in suspense, and at the same time, demonstrates the great creative talent of the band itself.

We are Atropos, and we intend to conquer the world with our music. We will cas off the chains of mainstream conformity and dash the expectations of trend following drones. We are here to perform our best, to write our best, and to give our listeners the best experience they can have when they listen to our music. It is our objective to make our music the way we want to make it, with creativity and not with compromise..."

...this is pure bullshit. Even if it's true, when I find a band that makes such statements I just say ''fucking cunts, I'm not even going to give it a listen, they're too pretentious''. Especially the two phrases I've bolded stand out.

I say the same as Corny. Stick together with the local bands, help yourselves out, work together, make good music and DON'T BOOST ABOUT IT and then, if you deserve it, you'll have the chance to succeed, but not with such statements. Sorry to be harash, but real world is real world.

That was really bad. I usually don't really punch people for free, but I think I could throw the guy who wrote this right under a truck and eat popcorn while watching him dropping blood by his eyes.
Like someone else said in this thread, let the music do the talking. Noone is even going to read all that crap, and it makes you look like idiots.