
yep it is so boring
Nothing to do, it is too hot to move, everything's a waste of time.
Where's my rope?Oh here are my narcoleptics!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
french_anatheman said:
yep it is so boring
Nothing to do, it is too hot to move, everything's a waste of time.
Where's my rope?Oh here are my narcoleptics!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting, I thought of suicide, too.

What are narcoslaptics?
I got a new pc the other day. State of the art, cost me a shit load, but now i can play games with no problem :) Don't ever think of suicide, life isn't that bad, just think of it, it could always be worse.
MetallicaSux said:
I got a new pc the other day. State of the art, cost me a shit load, but now i can play games with no problem :) Don't ever think of suicide, life isn't that bad, just think of it, it could always be worse.

You know what? I just want to be rich cause I'm sick of this shitty financial set-up, period. Nay, lots of periods.......................................

If I had money I could solve everything, fuck the world.