Damnation on MTV?

Imagine if they went omega-mainstream, got singed to a major record deal and the worst case scenerio...

Mega-record-label-dude-ceo: "You guys are good but you should drop the complicated and talented guitar riffs... you guys should try something like... rap! thats it!! Mike the good growel and clean vocals should go, we want you to (c)rap instead, Mendez do those loud rap bass riffs that consist of a open chord. Lopez? Do something like... hmmm... whole notes... and peter what about the hip new hip-hop dance?"

aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!I know Opeth woulden't do that... that thought almost made me soil myself! Rap sucks... *cringe* That was a disturbing thought. Opeth and rap shoulden't be put in the same sentence. Unless of course saying.... Opeth shall distroy all crappy talentless music *cough cough* rap *cough*
Julian, you listen to Disturbed and Cradle of Filth you fucking homo, you're in no place to talk about major labels sucking.
Darkness eternal I was cracking a joke, no need to pop your ovrie. Jeez, some of you in here are such whiners... It was a joke, yes I do like some Cradle Of Filth but where did you get Disturbed from? I hate those guys... sigh...

Now instead of getting all prissy and making this some bitch-fest Darkness you can resume getting sodomized by a 350lb scottish drunk sailor.
lol Symphony X

No, seriously. I could see The Drapery Falls being The First Song With Death Vocals To Be Played on the Radio
Julian Zembrowski said:
yes I do like some Cradle Of Filth


Just fucking. I like some of their shit, nice to know someone else isn't afraid to admit that. They actually used to have very technical, multi-layered songs. I was listening to "Queen of Winter, Throned" a while ago and it's a pretty good song.
slearch said:
No, seriously. I could see The Drapery Falls being The First Song With Death Vocals To Be Played on the Radio
There was a 'Drapery Falls - Radio Edit' single that made its way around to a few radio stations...
I don't see why alot of people in here are so reclusive. I like plenty of bands, If Cradle isn't 'tr00' black metal I also listen to Marduk, Dimmu Borgir, and Satyricon....
Julian Zembrowski said:
I don't see why alot of people in here are so reclusive. I like plenty of bands, If Cradle isn't 'tr00' black metal I also listen to Marduk, Dimmu Borgir, and Satyricon....

That's a joke, right?