Damned in Flames


New Metal Member
Jul 28, 2003
Check out my band Damned in Flames and tell me what you think!

Click Here

Sorry about the shitty quality (We just hung a mic in the middle of the room and recorded to tape through a stereo) and the fact that the song cuts off early (Only about 30 seconds early tho.)... I'll have a better version up my thursday PLUS a new song but just tell me what you think of what is currently there.

Damned in Flames
Well, if you want my honest opinion, ill give it to you.

It sucks.

Maybe its just horrible recording quality that makes the drums sound like pots and pans and the guitar just a wall of noise.However,Good luck with your band.

p.s. This should go in self-promotion.

p.s.s. No one likes spam, one post is enough.
dont host things on Geocities, its called bandwitch limits, dumb ass........
now i miss out on all the fun :(
Hmmm....Maybe you should wait until you can get better quality recording before you show it to people so they don't get a wrong impression, that could be from the terrible quality. Hehe...thats gotta be the worst way to record I've ever heard of! (not being mean) Just getta hold of someone with like a 4 track mixer. Thats how my band does it and it doesn't sound half bad either!
Check us out in the new band showcase, too! :yell:
chthonian appanage
No, no no....We use 4 tracks for the drums, merge that into one track, record however many guitar parts there are (2 or 3), merge them into one then into the drum track. Then do a bass and vocal track and put them all together. So its really about 9 or 10 tracks on a 4 track mixer.:)