Dan, Did you work with Project Hate?


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
Dan, Did you work with The Project Hate I mean besides the obvious Armageddon March Eternal which we all know you did?

Just wanted to know because I keep hearing stuff that quite resembles Edge of Sanity stuff and Crimson in particular in their earlier albums like "Hate,Dominate..." and "Cyber Sonic Super Christ"...
wierd shit!
according to the site, Lord K produced Armageddon; maybe Dan did some mixing or something and wasn't credited
And also Dan did some clean vocals on TPH demo,
which can be fond on their "Killng Hellsinki" on track 8 "Selfconstructive Once Again"
If you'll hear, you'll of couse recognize his vox
m_sutin said:
he sold his guitar and a project hate sticket was on it

That was the 5 srting baritone guitar on Bloodbath RTC album...some lucky guy from this forum got it(I think it was tumn but I'm not sure)

I "used" that guitar to create the "swano in bloodbath makeup" southpark charecter
Dan's Mastering the upcoming God Among Insects album "Zombienomicon"
and he's been interviewed by Lord K ;)
Hopefully this new God Among Insects album is good...Last one was boring as hell and Masse's death vocals sound like crap now compared to old Hypocrisy.
Verano said:
Dan's Mastering the upcoming God Among Insects album "Zombienomicon"
and he's been interviewed by Lord K ;)

Just checked out some fakts about the coming interview...
I think it's going to be pretty cool :)

I like the stuff Lord K works with and add to that Dan's "golden touch" of making music even better... I can hardly wait!