Dan Lilker

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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After all these years of being a Anthrax fan and getting to know alot about the band, I have to say that Dan Lilker, IMO, is one classy guy. He seems like a cool guy who I could easily talk shit with over a few beers. He really knows Metal and what is going on, and I really have alot of respect for him. Compared to alot of guys that have been in the band in the past, I do not think he has any bad blood with the band. Granted I only know him through the SOD video's or what I read on here, I still think it would be cool to go hang out with him at some metal shows. After that guy bashed him on that other thread, and he responded so cooly (sp?), my respect for him has grown.
Yeah, I've got to agree. I called him a junkie and mentioned that he wouldn't sign my Fistful record years ago, and his wife got pissed. I think that they thought by junkie I meant he was on heroine, I wasn't I was referring to his pot smoking. But, like that Simpsons episode a few weeks ago, it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black if a guy who drinks beer every weekend like I do, made fun of a pot head. And I believe in God, but if Dan wants to be agnostic that is his choice, I'm not here to talk you into going to church ( i only go twice a year) - to each their own I guess. The mere fact that Dan interacts with fans on this board is pretty cool.
The point that was missed here in the first place is accountability. Just as much as Dan Lilker has the right to voice his opinion in his interview. People have just as much right to respond to his statements. If Dan didn't want to talk about sensitive political issues, he shouldn't have. It was his choice to voice his opinion, even though it has nothing whatsoever to do with his so called area of expertise - music. It's interesting that it could be concieved that Mr Lilker is classy in any way, at least by the way he comes across in his interview. He comes across as an extremely, bitter, confused person full of negativity and contempt for others, defensiveness, and insecurity. If you don't agree and you have not read the interview, then read it first and note the negativity that Lilker exudes. As far as saying that I was bashing anyone. Mr. Lilker started the personal attack and name calling, cleverly disquised as trying to defend himself. I posted a link to his interview and just repeated his sentiments from his interview. I simply brought forth the intentions of what Mr. Lilker had already stated in his Anus.com interview. Let this serve as the proof that Mr. Lilker is responsible and accountable for what he says. On this board I have read about freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I will not do a disservice to the freedom of expression and choice by jumping on the Lilker bandwagon. I beg to differ that Mr. Lilker is classy. A classy person wouldn't initiate and engage in a personal attack as Mr. Lilker has done here. Visits the Anthrax message board and demonstrates his bitterness, yes I agree.
How the fuck is Lilker being bitter? HE IN FACT WAS IN ANTHRAX AND IS FRIENDS WITH SCOTT AND CHARLIE, AND I'M SURE THE REST OF ANTHRAX. Just because he struck a nerve with you somewhere while voicing his opinion doesn't give you any grounds to call the man bitter.
Ok, I've read it and hell yeah I part with Dan.

Seriously FU, you need to FUck off and die. There was no traktor pulling that night and you decided to write half a book on a newsboard? Good for you, but get your fuckin' dick out of your brothers ass and at least try to understand what Dan is talking about.

I really fail to see what the hell FU is talking about regarding the interview I did with Anus.com. I was asked my opinion on the Middle East crisis, and I answered honestly. I don't exude negativity or bitterness, it's not my way. Obviously this FU guy is just some prick with a huge chip on his shoulder who's decided he hates me for whatever reason.
And yes, I'm a classy guy! :D

P.S. Don't forget, those of you in the NorthEast:

Friday, May 10th: Nuclear Assault at CB's, NYC
Saturday, May 11th: NA at Jarrod's Place, Attleboro, MA
If FU wants to talk about people engaging in personal attacks, then what the fuck is "TampaxDanLilkerSeaMonkeyboy"????:lol:
hey Dan, you fucking ROCK

PS. Get milano to forgive scott, so we can have another SOD album. If you have too, shove some hash up his ass.
Dan Lilker IS a classy guy and one of the mellowest guys you'll ever meet. Bitterness is not something he wastes his time on. Most of you seem to have a good gauge on his nature, and I don't think anyone is worried about the opinions of one uninformed individual whose energies might be better spent trying to make a difference in this world in his own right, rather than riding in on someone else's name.