Dan, my friend ...

I'm positive I have everything. But it's not important enough to me to spend a bunch of time updating my list. I don't really care if people believe me or not. At one time, I wanted to get everything he had produced/mixed/etc., but that was too daunting a task.

Not trying to be an ass or anything, but are you sure you've got everything? Even the more underground stuff, like Jigsore Terror's World End Carnage, Mörk Gryning's Tusen år har gått... or Ghostorm's Black Box?
"Everything" is quite a bit...

Haha, it doesn't even matter. The whole point of the post was to thank Dan for his music, not brag about my collection. I just wanted to illustrate to him how much I admire him. Just believe I don't have everything, I really don't care dude! (dudes, actually)
there's truly one way to thank dan for his contribution to the åsomeness of music...and that's sucking his cock...
and you know better than i do Dan deserves it