Dan Spitz Forbidden To Use The Term 'supergroup'

Hey TD........how exactly do you "set" at a desk????

I am now making it my mission to point out every error you have in your posts.

Not that I am here very much, but when I am, and the teacher does something wrong, it will be pointed out.
Jesus, Ty, were you really that bored last night? Or where you that drunk?
I could keep out of this, but for fuck's sake! You know you've gone too far when redeyes defends Buddy!
Ease off, man! Buddy means well. He's a good guy. He's never said anything to piss us off!
He means well, so he's cool in my book.
finally someone besides me defends buddy. I mean yeah he brings it on himself but jesus it's getting stupid and boring. It just seems like the same thing when I was in elementary and the bully had the little guy backed up in a corner while he was punching his shoulder over and over. Realy dude be mature. you're a teacher for chrissakes.
I hardly see this as fun and games anymore.
Originally posted by mentalmeltdown
well well well... if it ain't the Return of the Ass-pirates!
Listen here Shit-sticks, there are plenty of sites for you to discuss your love of all things brown (buttbrown) - here's one for ya:

I'm making it my mission to avoid those buddy love brown sitting on dan spitz's lap as he slams you with litigation sites.
true dat... maybe I should edit my post before some gay liberties group slams me with a lawsuit.... on second thought, I hope that the lawsuit is the only thing they try and slam me with - if you catch my drift... wink wink.

Originally posted by mentalmeltdown
That's a noble mission sir.
A hard one doubtless, but a noble one.

I should hope it's a hard one considering that this is only a message board. You know, fun and games. There's no news about Anthrax going on right now. They're on hiatus again apperently. So why not slam people for the obvious??