Dan Swano cover


One of the Ancients of UM
Over on the Dan Swano board, some of us are contributing our own cover versions of Nightingale songs. I've got mine done first, a cover of "So Long(Still I Wonder) from the 'Closing Chronicles' album.

If you want to hear this, you can download it from the "So Long cover" thread over at Dan's board. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep this song on my server, so if you want it go get it!:)
Thanks Belhack Speerit, you're an agel

(I couldn't be arsed to look for it meself)
That was indeed a brilliant cover of an amazing track! Excellent work Analog!!! Damn we could use you as a singer in my band :/ But then again, I would be out of a job :lol:
i like!!

youve got a really nice guitar sound, I WANT A GUITAR SOUND LIKE THAT!!!!!

and id love to have a voice like yours as well, sounds great. Emotional and uh... beautiful. I wish i could sing in some way, i suck at singing.

Havent heard the original track, but this version is really good :)

God youve mixed it really well, with the levels of the guitars and vocals, i love how the vocals are the focus, the guitar just kind of falls into the background and makes short little appearances. Then around the 3 minute mark where the guitar gets louder, great stuff.
Dude, I should send you a check or something. I've listened to this song about 50 times now. :)

I like it. The singing can be improved, but your voice is very pleasant. Your version of the song really culls out a beauty and warmth which isn't present in the original.

Truly inspiring! My soul thanks you.

(hehe but I keep thinking of college and other things, for instance, the Dave Mathew's Band. :goggly: )
Originally posted by E V I L
Dude, I should send you a check or something. I've listened to this song about 50 times now. :)

I like it. The singing can be improved, but your voice is very pleasant. Your version of the song really culls out a beauty and warmth which isn't present in the original.

Truly inspiring! My soul thanks you.

(hehe but I keep thinking of college and other things, for instance, the Dave Mathew's Band. :goggly: )

I just can't say 'thank you' enough!!! Everyone has been so positive about this track! You have no idea how much it means to me that folks really enjoy anything I record.

I will be releasing a older instrumental album exclusively here at Ultimate Metal, over at the UM Store, very soon,(if you happen to read this, Mark, I will finally get the CD's in the mail this week or next). I hope everyone who buys it will like it! It's not standard Metal fare. I'm just happy that the Metal community of which I am a part has taken to my music, both with this cover song and with the positive reaction to the tracks at mp3.com!

By the way, if you want a detailed report of the recording of "So Long", click the "www" button in my posts to go to my Web site. I have a studio report up there. This session was on day 4. The full site will be up when the UM Store has the album mentioned above in stock. Thanks to all!!!