Dance of December Souls


Apr 22, 2002
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i received this today and all i can say is that is quite splendid. It has some of the best lyrics ive ever read. Alot different then the katatonia of today, but still awesome.
Dance Of December Souls is one tr00ly bad ass album. It's perfect for winter. I just wish it'd snow here. :cry:
'dance of december souls', as furious b said, is best to be heard during winter. winter nights, while it`s snowing outside, enjoying the warmth from inside.. terrible feeling, especially the end of 'tomb of insomnia', when jonas is whispering the lyrics...
Dance... is killer. Do you have the same feeling that the main riff in "Tomb..." is pretty similar to this characteristic riff from "Endtime". You know what I mean :rolleyes:
I like the album, because it's really TRUE and has the TRUEST metal lyrics (I raise my fist into sky, sorry girls but I'm too shy) I can't really understand it...

Did anybody of you recognize the TRUE Bass Solo in the least TRUE passage of "Without girl...ah... "without god"??? You know, the acoustic passage with all these UNTRUE acoustic guitars and raindrop effects...

I liked the album alright. But i really didn't start enjoying Katatonia until Brave Murder Day. . . That cd is simply amazing.