Dani's Tribute to NICK DRAKE


Feb 18, 2005
Louisville, KY
Hi! Duncan please if you'll read my thread tell me if You've got Tribute to Nick Drake CD. I'm trying to get the answer via email but with no results. I'm waiting for that CD for 2 months. Could you tell me what's wrong? Thanks
i know im not funny anymore

im off to get drunk as hell
c ya tomorrow
YETEEH said:
Hi! Duncan please if you'll read my thread tell me if You've got Tribute to Nick Drake CD. I'm trying to get the answer via email but with no results. I'm waiting for that CD for 2 months. Could you tell me what's wrong? Thanks

I´m waiting for months as well. Where are you Duncan?
Why don´t you answer?
there are more like me! oh, hallelujah, I thought I was alone! so, come men, let's gather our pitchforkes and mob the answer out of this mad dr. strangelight! where are our CD's?!
it is to me.
here patterson, if youre up in dubbalin tommorow throw us up an ould drakey cd

ye jealous quaggy? gwan, you're raging