hm, well
first night: was beautiful, I was in a hurry not to be late, as I had some choir practice right before it. was quite sad as I won't be able to go to that one, but got happier, seeing alot of friends around. just as I arrived it started raining (hum...) so we went inside to wait for about 1 hours in some area that can be compared to sauna. don't know why did they write on the ticket that the gig will start at 8, as none of them did. first they played together with Sean, but think Marta already told us about this one. I really liked the ones they did together, shame that the others around me didn't feel the same. Think that's some kind of music that calms you down and I found the songs so beautiful. after 3 shows I seem to know some pieces of lyrics too and have some favourites

the others around me were almost asleep (okay, not all of them), still I don't know why they didn't like it... some ppl just went home

not to mention I don't see a great distance between those and the acoustic anathema ones. okay, drop it. the 2 encores were great, at least it showed me (and the guys) there were ones actually who liked it

and hmm... why did they say they can't play stairway to heaven if that was the encore everywhere? hm, and ppl say I am pessimist... think all 3 gigs were somewhat different, so I'm glad to have seen all of them

the one in Budapest was not that intimate, I could see some invisible wall between the stage and the viewers, but was all right. okay, it would have been better wihout that endless talking and the couple of mobile ringings, but unfortunately it is not that unusual nowadays.
second day was kinda strange, dad came home from work and we left for Nyíregyháza, on the way we were collecting corn on a cob that were just on the road... next day mom cooked them, think they taste good

until the gig started we were just hanging around in the city, found another concert with those ppl having no relation to religions but still they want to force you to become a member of them (vidám vasárnap, Marta I'm sure you know that one

) dad said they're a big concurence to Danny&co. not funny, not at all

he often watches that on tv for fun, it's on Sundays, that's the time I often wake up to him laughing like hell

cannot understand how can they afford those gibson guitars and all that if they give the money to orphanages and hospitals...
okay, we left as I could not stand it, we ate and went in. I found the gig better than the Bud one, it was more intimate, more personal (well the place itself was better-suited for a gig like this imo). some differences in the playlist (didn't play are you there, but did inner silence and shrould of false, and a new song too) that talking was here as well, but Danny seemed professional in telling them to stop it, and in the end they did stop... dad was kinda enjoying it, as I saw, both the anathema and the leafblade thingies. guess he was feeling a bit strange (you know, that 'I'm too old and all that'), not to mention at first he thought that Sean is Danny

(it was like he asked where is Danny and I told him he's been playing for about 20 minutes onstage at that time... but okay, how could he know...)
and hey, in the first encore one of the most beautiful moments in my life occured, at that simon&garfunkel song, when I could see dad just clapping and singing and looking so happy that I almost started to cry. I'm really glad that I brought him there
as after the gig I got an invitation from Danny&Balázs I decided to go to Szeged as well. I planned it, but didn't really want to go all alone, as my friends said they just won't pay for something that is totally the same as the one they saw 2 days before. hm, I can say it was totally not. arriving home after 3 am and after some sleep I left for Szeged, the bus trip was hm... funny. not in the positive way... I had to stand and sit on the ground for about one and a half hours, after I could luckily find a seat and spent the other part of the trip there napping and all that. I arrived and walked around in the city for awhile before the 'show'. Just as I imagined there were noone I knew (happily there were none of those I thought they will be there but didn't want to see them neither) but I succeeded in finding some really nice ppl and spent the gig with them in a beautiful friendly area. I'm still not sure whether this concert or the one before was better, maybe I vote for the last one. there was the most intimate and friendly area and think the audience was the best here, too (okay, that first line was awesome at Nyíregy too, as Danny said he felt like playing only for them. or something like that). some changes again in the playlist, like Danny played Release here, that was not on at the other 2 gigs. he did great songs (okay, I didn't miss temporary peace, I still have to cry on that one... damnit), but unfortunately here they were somehow kicked off from the stage. there was some drum&bass party after the gig and they were allowed to play stairway as a last one, after the cruel ppl there just turned the light on and started to play music. think that's all. just tell me I'm not a good storyteller, I know... if something comes to mind I'll write it down later