Danny's back in Anathema

Was this really Danny posting in the guestbook???

When it was Danny than I can only say that this is really childish. First he announces that he want to leave and now... Bah, isn´t he talking with the other band-members and what has Dave Pybus to do with the present situation??????????
This is funny. The guestbook. There's a little tiny moment in "danny"'s message which raises serious suspicions regarding the identity of the poster...

Mega: can you confirm that real bandmembers post in the guestbook on the official site?
I just read the message 'Danny' posted on the guestbook, and I'd be very careful about its authenticity.

Maybe it is him, but until I see some more news about it I'll consider him out.

And what about Antimatter for god's sake?

It all sounds very fishy to me.
i've always thought the whole situation was strange,why join a band with a guy that you had problems with in the first place,its been well documented that danny didn't like "alt 4" (which is a fuckin great album,imho !!) i just don't get it,all this bullshit about "front men" and "posers",i saw them in manchester,uk ,end of last year and they were awesome (or "top of the league" as one annoying twat kept shouting!!)very fuckin sad!
Originally posted by bane
i saw them in manchester,uk ,end of last year and they were awesome (or "top of the league" as one annoying twat kept shouting!!)very fuckin sad!

:lol: British people are funny!
Originally posted by bane
i've always thought the whole situation was strange,why join a band with a guy that you had problems with in the first place,its been well documented that danny didn't like "alt 4" (which is a fuckin great album,imho !!)

I conversed with Duncan through email the other day and he cryptically stated that he "didn't know what Danny was up to".

I don't know what's going on, but I'm really really confused!!:confused:
Hey ppl, well i had the good fortune of meeting Duncan last week on the net (by the way he´s really nice), and i asked wether Danny was going to join Antimatter or not and answered he did not know for sure, that it´s a possibility but not a fact yet. So i think we all should just wait for official announcements to be made, as many of you i´d love that the band would care more about fans and tell us what is indeed going on.

yet again no offical word from the band,bummer,think i've got more chance of my hair growing back than hearing something offical before summer falls om my arse!!guess i'm just in a pissed off mood,but as my girlfriend says in times off stress,"its only a jaffa cake",words to live by!!!keep safe peeps.
The guestbook is gone... !!!??? No speculations anymore... Come on Mega what is going on? Was this post by Danny "childish" Cavanagh himself or just a stupid joke of one these stupid fans... ?
I have just readed the re-join statement from DigitalMetal.
is that really true?from Danny's mouth?
if yes,that's good and I don't think Danny is childish.
he just thinks carefully about her mum's wishes
and he is really deep feeling in anathema.
it seems all the fuck problems was made by Dave.
false anathema member!
Im really looking for anathema back included Jamie on bass
and of course Danny's DREADLOCK!
Notice how DigitalMetal have reprinted the guestbook message in their news article and presented it as an Official Statement. Sounds like a "False Metal Conzpiracy vs. True Fanz"! :lol:

I have no idea what's going on with the band as I haven't heard anything from them except Danny (and yes he did write those guestbook messages). I try to keep you people informed but well it is not going to be easy.

Yes it is funny that DigitalMetal took those guestbook messages as official band statements which they weren't really. The guestbook is now temporarly down to prevent further hassle.

- Mega
Originally posted by mega
I have no idea what's going on with the band as I haven't heard anything from them except Danny (and yes he did write those guestbook messages). I try to keep you people informed but well it is not going to be easy.
Thanks for clearing that up somewhat, Mega :)
i wouldn't presume to know anything about the lads or their quarrels, so i wouldn't go as far as calling Danny "childish" for doing this.
i'm sure he knows what is best for him - because if he doesn't, then who does?