Danzig gets punched


Apr 14, 2001
Video footage of DANZIG frontman Glenn Danzig engaging in a physical confrontation with NORTH SIDE KINGS singer and frequent SOULFLY collaborator Danny Marianinho following DANZIG's performance in Tuba City, Arizona Saturday night (July 3) has been posted online at AZPunk.com. Also available from: Location#2, Location#3.

With regards to the incident, Marianinho posted the following message on the BLABBERMOUTH.NET comment boards: "I would never pick a fight with a black belt, I am not some big, tough guy looking for trouble. I have gotten my fair share of ass-kickings. We have been filming a ton of footage for almost a year now, and had three camera guys at this show to film footage. Tons of tape from the entire day. Danzig freaked the fuck out completely way out of life. His site banned my guitarist from making any statements on [the official DANZIG fan site] The7thhouse in regards to their bullshit comment saying I 'used a sharp object.' When the video is posted you will clear as hell that there is nothing in my hands. Maybe he cut his mouth on his 'vampire' teeth! Or maybe is face just opened up? Who cares — I was excited to play that show and was not expecting a fight. I was in mid conversation when he attacked me.

"And for the record — Danzig is NOT a little man. He may be short, but he is in great physical shape. Better than me, and I am at least 12 years younger. He threw me pretty hard and I reacted like anyone on this site would have.

"NORTH SIDE KINGS is not a touring band and really doesn't care about being popular. We are a hardcore band that does not want to tour. We are happy playing a few shows a year. And I wanted to clarify the subject before he put out some bullshit story — which his crew has already made crazy allegations. Still to this time he has not tried to contact me to apologize for being a mental case...

"Once again, I liked DANZIG — otherwise we wouldn't have even been on the show. The guy is out of control. The video shows it all — and it was very uncalled for on his end.

"He caught me off guard when he attacked me — but I caught him with a good jab. That's it in a nutshell.

"The lesson here: respect the bands on your shows cause we are all people. Maybe when he is in Europe he will be more polite to the local bands on his shows. It's a shame this course had to be taken."

Poor Glenn, the guys like 50 years old, but he shouldnt have picked a fight with a guy 12 times as big as he is :)

You cant get the video from that site anymore though I think it went down due to too many people trying to access it.
That's funny, 'cos Blaze recently got beaten up by the singer from Cage.
spawn said:
I know and Blaze deserved it too :)
I don't think anyone deserves to be punched just for voicing their politically views. But maybe there was more to it than that..
Blaze likes to introduce Kill And Destroy by saying 'Kill And Destory George Bush'.. bla bla blaa.. After the show, the Cage singer asked him what it was all about, they got into an arguement (drunken), and Blaze got bitch slapped.
Blaze was drunk as fuck, the guy from Cage was asking him why he was spouting his political views on stuff at a festival, Blaze shoved him and said to have a go, and the guy in Cage did, Blaze ended up with a black eye :)
I think he has Napoleon syndrome, he is about as tall as a Smurf apparently!