I'm curious why. Is it the stupidity, the lack of respect for her own body, or are you offended by the concept of avoidable abortions?
I'm curious why. Is it the stupidity, the lack of respect for her own body, or are you offended by the concept of avoidable abortions?

This is the problem with ultra-left wing ideology (not that I'm calling you some sort of pinko commie hippy or anything), but certain people can't put their heads around someone being pro-choice and simultaneously uncomfortable with the practice of abortion. Abortions are serious procedures, and should not trivialized through tasteless performance art.
Eh? I don't think anyone who isn't a sick fuck would get knocked up for fun and then go take RU-whatever they're called. Abortions have serious side effects, even if you are not emotionally affected at all you have still ruptured your insides and are injured after the fact.
Deathspell Omega are REAL satanists, assholes.

Plus the fact that Mikko is behind in Nicole 12. I don't know much about the weird relationship that a lot of power electronics seems to have with child porn; but perhaps someone like Andy can elaborate (not because he's a CP fan).

But yeah, in terms of external action, it would definitely be some noise or power electronics band. Whitehouse is a good candidate.

When music itself is concerned, Lustmord and Beherit can't be topped. I actually had some strange apocalyptic dream this week wherein "Heresy I" was blasted over some sort of speaker system, which increased in volume and intensity before waking me up. I was pretty creeped out for the following half hour or so.
Gary Glitter.Nah dunno man there's been some nutters over the years.I have buried here somewhere an old S.O.D. magazine with an album review of this Italian band who abducted a blind and deaf girl and raped and tortured her,that's pretty fucked up,i'll have to go through and find it some time,i can't remember who it was,it was ages ago but i was pretty shocked,that's taking it way too fucking far.These guys must've been complete idiots,judging by the few reviews there are on the net they were c grade-Cradle Of Filth wannabes at best but if what's written in SOD is true then it's a total abomination,i can't see them making it up but i can't find any more info on this.
edit-the name of the band and album is Medieval Demon-Demonolatria (Unisound Records) the review appears in issue #11 of Sounds Of Death mag,the entire band was imprisoned and hopefully castrated.

if thats true then that is fucked up.
you would have to fucked in the head to even lie about that