dark tranquillity cd reviews

okay, so i know that "the gallery" and "projector" arent brand new cd's by DT, but its obviously still relevant ,, we are trying to still get new people that come into our site into older stuff as well, so hopefully these reviews will do the job ..

please check them both out though, and let us know what you think ,, hopefully you will enjoy these new Dark Tranquillity praises ..


if anyone wants to submit DT or any other cd reviews (new or old) please email me at tangaroa@rawnerve.freeserve.co.uk

ah you see the thing is each update takes ages .. i mean this one aint done yet, we only added the reviews and a few other bits and pieces so far .. there is over 1000 files going up in total ,, we only got about 100 of them there!!!!!! .. our updates are so huge that it takes ages!!! .. but we do plan on doing quicker updates .. so wont be as long to wait