Dark Tranquillity / Devin Townsend Band (2-22 @ Cleveland)


Lurker #1
Apr 25, 2004
Cleveland, Ohio
Just got back from this show... holy shit was it good!

Nevermind the fact that I got there way too early and saw the two warm-up acts.

Hevy Devy owned everyone's faces yet again as DTB tore through a short 8-song set. Only one I recognized was Deadhead, and I don't really like that one. The new material from them is great though.

Dark Tranquillity had their first North American headlining gig tonight, and I was in the front row center. It was everything I wanted it to be... setlist includes (In no order):
Punish My Heaven
The Mind's I
Zodijackyl Light
The Wonders At Your Feet
Damage Done
Final Resistance
White Noise / Black Silence
Damage Done
Treason Wall
Monochromatic Stains
The New Build
Through Smudged Lenses
The Endless Feed
Lost to Apathy
My Negation

The crowd, although shamefully small, was totally into it tonight and really gave the band a nice ovation to play to during every single song. I had fun barking along to the songs, and even got up into Stanne's face a few times. That was the best $18.65 I ever spent seeing an amazing band headline.

I hope you are lucky enough to see these guys headline instead of Opeth. In my honest opinion (this is just me), I think Opeth are boring live.

Oh well, cheers to a good night!
Sweet dude! Thanks for the mini review. I get to see the second headlining show tomorrow! Hope they keep Lethe in there...

This will be my first time looking forward to DT so I can't wait!

Unfortunately I think the small crowd is due to people just not being into DT as much as other bands, BUT, that doesn't have all negatives! As you said, the crowd was into it so I'm assuming everyone that's there is a really really big DT fan since they're not as mainstream as other bands. Than again that's just my pre-DT-live theory.
This was my second time seeing them and I crapped myself both times. Doesn't matter what they play... you will love it.

I should have brought my camera into the venue, dammit! The signs kept being bitchy about photos... but then EVERYONE in there was snapping photos. And I was in the front row! Shit! Oh well.

And while I won't slag you for it... most people refer to Dream Theater as "DT". I personally don't give a crap about Dream Theater, so I call Dark Tranquillity "DT" anyways.
I was there as well last night in Cleveland, fantastic show, I was the dude that Mikael put his mic in front of to scream a line of Lethe.

Yes they sold the skull hoodie for $40, I got one and it's awesome.

Didn't think Devin Townsend did that great though, think he was mad people weren't going crazy for his music because he was yelling at people to uncross their arms and stupid crap.
Corinthian said:
I was there as well last night in Cleveland, fantastic show, I was the dude that Mikael put his mic in front of to scream a line of Lethe.

Yes they sold the skull hoodie for $40, I got one and it's awesome.

Didn't think Devin Townsend did that great though, think he was mad people weren't going crazy for his music because he was yelling at people to uncross their arms and stupid crap.

Yea man, I was right behind you... had that skull hoodie and the curly hair. During "Monochromatic Stains" I didn't get the mic, but he challenged me on the growl during the chorus.
Goin to see them tonight in Montreal for another off-date from the Opeth tour (as headliner obviously). I felt quite lucky when they announced this gig judging by the frequency they tour over here ...and also by the fact that Opeth was here as headliner not so long ago (when Ghost Reveries was released already).

Anyway, goin to post an update if the setlist is different!