Dark Tranquillity- Fiction

Mar 12, 2005
New song from the upcoming album Fiction is on CenturyMedia.com media section. Its called Focus Shift and it sounds to me like they managed to make the same song for the 100th time. just thought id let you guys know in case you were curious to give it a listen.
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Thanks. I'm a big DT fan, and happen to disagree with you. I think that they manage to evolve with each album, never sounding the same. That is, except for this song, which sounds straight out of the Character album - which isn't bad, but I was just expecting more.
I honestly think they're really good. Their newer stuff sounds a lot more electronic/digital compared to their older more gothic/majestic stuff, I don't favour their newer or older stuff. It's all good, a great discography, but from what I can tell these are the only two atmospheres of music that DT are any good at, or have even tried their hand at. Stanne is a great vocalist, and Sundin (much like his parallel Jesper Stromblad) is still a talented guitarist, but I fear that BS is right and they have simply written the same song for the hundreth time.
DT are rather samey but I thought 'Character' was clearly their best album so far...jus listened to that track yeh its sounds exactly the same a most DT songs, dissapointing.
somehow I lost interest after Damage Done. which was pretty good actually... my favourite one is Projector though (gay, huh?)
True, I think they throw in something different every few songs though. Character had some variety throughout it. Subtle though.

On Your Time will always be their best song IMO. I yelled at them to play it last time I saw them and Mikael just gave a "Yeah right" look at me. :(
Some guy had me listen to Lethe a long time ago and I remember really liking it, but I haven't heard any other Dark Tranquility since.

Brilliant song from my favorite album of theirs. Probably the reason I'm not as enthusiastic about this album is because my favorites are The Gallery & The Minds I. I mean, I loved Character and Damage Done, but they really don't compare to the first few (aside from the debut). I miss the passion of them. Though Stanne's voice is really in top form now. I hope they release another DVD where he gives a better performance.
My favorite albums by them are "Haven" and "The Mind's I," but I've really liked most of them. I didn't really get into Character because it sounded too much like a version of damage done that starts with a blastbeat, but it wasn't bad either. I think Haven has their most memorable songs (Fabric and Feast of Burden stick out as especially good). I don't really care about their new album that much though, they suffer from being overly prolific (steven wilson syndrome).
Their top albums are obviously the first two, although they have remained solid-ish throughout their career. But you can't beat classics, such as "My Faeryland Forgotten", "Skywards", "Punish My Heaven" and "The Gallery".. Projector is also a very fine album, though.