Dark Tranquillity goes Metalship

no? really? i thought it would more likely be 400$ ...
but you dont need to have diamonds on the ring, do you?

That's not a band, that's for an engagement ring, which is a different thing.

Of course not. Well, if someone is an ass-rich tycoon, it would be cheap to offer anything less than huge diamonds.
But when it comes down to it, what counts is feelings, feelings, feelings and good taste.

With diamonds it's around $15,000 for a good one =)
Wow, I would never ever want a ring like that. I would be so afraid to lose it or something... A cheap plastic ring with a false diamond on it, same thing, it's symbolic ;) hehehe !
Haha, well where I luck out is that my gf told me that if I ever spent more than $1000 on a ring, she'd say no. And probably beat me as well. Mainly because she can't wear it in her labs and stuff, so she probably wouldn't be wearing it all the time, and she has a penchant for losing stuff.

I say 'luck out', because over here it seems to be all about how much you spend on the ring.

To get a little more on topic - I wonder why exactly they would change the name of Blind at Heart? And what would they change it to?

I heavily dislike the feeling of anything metallic (how un-tr00 of me) on my skin, so I could never wear any rings and wouldn't give one for anyone I might like to touch.

To get a little more on topic - I wonder why exactly they would change the name of Blind at Heart? And what would they change it to?

Perhaps Deaf at Lung?

-Villain (Mute at Brain)
I heavily dislike the feeling of anything metallic (how un-tr00 of me) on my skin, so I could never wear any rings and wouldn't give one for anyone I might like to touch.

That happens to me for about the first week I wear something. After then, if I haven't lost it, I forget to take it off all the time. (Currently, I think I've simply lost everything...) My gf isn't one for jewelry in general, anyway, (never even had her ear[lobes] pierced) but it's one of those things that she's willing to wear (most of the time), and she recognizes that many people (at least over here) don't take an engagement seriously if there's no ring.

On topic again: I only ask about changing the name, because it seems to me that most of their songs are very well named, given the song's content. Changing something like that after the fact sure as hell can't be easy. Though I'm sure that if they made the decision, they probably had something else waiting in the wings.

LOL who bets how much that they saw the drawing and then decided to rename?


To be honest, it's not a great name for a song either. Nor is where death is most alive... Then again if I had my way the album would probably be called 'Necrosloth' and everytrack 'Manbeast warmachine Part I, II, III, IV (< etc)'

So hang on!

ARE DT actually playing a gig on a ship with Dimension Zero? I dunno if it's me wishing that they were and so being very gullible... But I'll be there.
It wouldn't be the first time for DT to change the name of a song, but I don't think they've ever done it after playing them live. This might result in some weird situations with bootlegs, where you can hear Mikael saying "...and the next one is a new song called Blind at Heart..." but the actual tracklist says Deaf at Lung or something equally clever.


Let me give you a hand here then... :D

No way, you might maim it!

-Villain (better small than maimed)
Hmmm I don't know if he will remember all the songs ! We'll see! They're playing tomorrow afternoon, when the boat will be on its way back to Sotckholm! Boat left 7pm (CET), there's a show tonight Plus a show tomorrow. DT are headlining tomorrow! :)
Well, if they're headlining, then there's at least a decent chance of some of the songs being similar between that show and the upcoming tour. So even just the non-new songs they play would be good to know... I can start refreshing on the lyrics now :p
