Dark Tranquillity in London


All Life Ends
Jul 1, 2001
Just wanted to say, excellent gig night. DT, The Haunted and Arch Enemy were all awesome. Was slightly pissed to find DT on stage when I got in at half 7 though! I thought they were on before Arch Enemy! Also missed Nightrage who were on for like, 15 minutes apparently. Very annoying. Great gig all the same!
*so jealous*

I'd love to know DT's setlist, if anybody can tell me. How much of the new stuff did they play?
Oh yeah, and if anyone saw Nightrage, did they play any songs from their upcoming album? Or just stuff from Sweet Vengeance.
That was a fucking amazing gig. i loved it, i will be there for kreator in feb too. you can bet your arse i will be.

I can remember most of what DT played:

The Treason Wall
Punish My Heaven
Final Resistance
White Noise/Black Silence
Monochromatic Stains
The Wonders At Your Feet
Lost To Apathy
The New Build

I think that was it, although i cant remember for the life of me what order it was in.

Arch enemy played:

We Will Rise
Dead Eyes See No Future
Enemy Within
Burning Angel
Heart Of Darkness
Savage Messiah (i think)

there was a lot more, but i just cant remember. a bit boozed

The haunted played:

Hollow ground

Ok so i dont know the haunted. i like em now though.

What a gig, all i have to say is:

Dark Tranquillity: :worship: WE ARE NOT WORTHY! :worship:
Damn, can't wait till the February gig. I've going to the Nightwish/Tristania gig in Birmingham on the 15th, then down to London for DT on the 16th :tickled:

Sounds like it was a great gig, can't believe DT didn't play Haven though?
And if they don't play The Sun Fired Blanks in February I'll be a bit pissed off!

MMM...sounds like a good Arch Enemy set, all my favourites there.
Well hopefully they'll be playing at Download again next summer?! Fingers crossed.
I didn't think that Haven was that much of a regular song in the set like The Wonders At Your Feet, Punish My Heaven or Final Resistance?
The Arch Enemy set sucks donkey dicks. Two somewhat good songs out of all in that list, and no songs from the really good albums.
That was great. I was a little miffed that Nightrage went on at 6:45, despite everywhere saying that the doors were at 7. :err: I got into the venue just as they played their last note. DT were amazing, of course, though naturally they didn't play for long enough, with nothing from The Mind's I. Shame. The Haunted were pretty meh, but Arch Enemy surprised me by being a lot more likeable than I expected. It's almost made me want to listen to Wages of Sin again.
TheFourthHorseman said:
The Arch Enemy set sucks donkey dicks. Two somewhat good songs out of all in that list, and no songs from the really good albums.
Er, that list of songs isn't even half the set.

Here is what I can remember....Ravenous, The Immortal, Bury Me an Angel, Enemy Within, We Will Rise, Snow Bound (solo), another guitar solo, drum solo, The First Deadly Sin, Instinct, Dead Eyes See No Future, Heart Of Darkness. I'm pretty sure there were a few more. They played for an hour and a half.
That's good, but the setlist still sucks. That was expectable of course, so I guess a couple old songs is better than nothing. They always play The Immortal and Bury Me An Angel though, but then they don't probably really have a choice on that either if they want the majority of the people craving for old songs to be satisfied. Anyway, why would anyone want to hear any more soloing than what's on Snow Bound? Drum solos are so 80's.
*whine bitch whine*

The complete Dark Tranquillity setlist?
TheFourthHorseman said:
I didn't think that Haven was that much of a regular song in the set like The Wonders At Your Feet, Punish My Heaven or Final Resistance?
Maybe not, I don't know, all I'm going off is watching the Live Damage DVD, that's the only live DT experience I've seen so far! Until February 16th...
Didnt Arch Enemy play Bury Me An Angel? That's still their best song by far.

I would cry if I saw DT and they didnt play Haven... but then again you cant please everyone :p . It looks like a great set. The Haunted are coming back to leeds in feb. I cant wait! Ill probably check out the Kreator Gig, providing I have the cash. Thanks for posting the set lists anyway. Im sure it was the greatest gig ever to hit the UK.

NF: Lame for missing the greatest gig ever to hit the UK.
Dark Tranquillity played (in no particular order, with some missing maybe):
Lost to Apathy, The New Build, The Treason Wall, White Noise/Black Silence, Therein, Final Resistance, Monochromatic Stains, Punish My Heaven, The Wonders At Your Feet

Arch Enemy played:
Bury Me An Angel, Bridge of Destiny, The Immortal, Enemy Within, Burning Angel, Heart of Darkness, Ravenous, Savage Messiah, Dead Bury Their Dead (I'm not sure if they did this one or not), The First Deadly Sin, Snow Bound, Tear Down The Walls, Silent Wars, We Will Rise, Dead Eyes See No Future, Instinct, Anthem

Neither list is totally comprehensive, but I think they are right. They were both killer sets, but I would have liked Dark Tranquillity to play Haven, and was disappointed that Arch Enemy only did one song from each of their first three albums (I was sad they didn't play Diva Satanica especially). We can find out the exact Arch Enemy set when the DVD comes out (and look out for me - almost front row right in front of Michael!)

The whole evening was incredible actually, although I care little for Nightrage and The Haunted. It was nice to briefly meet Martin afterwards (although I was a little excited, so he look quite scared of me ;) )
I was there also. DT was great but the sound was not too good and way too short, The Haunted offered an apoteosic thrash fest and Arch Enemy were damn boring.

Unfortunately I missed Nightrage.