Dark Tranquillity lovesongs?

phyre said:
I'd say pretty much the entirety of Projector..?

EDIT: OK, so maybe not FreeCard, ThereIn or Dobermann.

Yeah, I could agree with that.
I also think that Projector has some of the best lyrics ever written by Stanne.

To A Bitter Halt has to be a loverelated song also, right?
Miolo said:
isn't lethe a lovesong? :guh:


You could relate to it as a lovesong, but I rather like to think that it is just about forgetfulness.
A depict of the river Lethe, of which you have to drink when you are going to Hades. The one who drinks of the river forgets all of his life on earth. But I guess you already knew that.

So I simply think that the text describes this person, drinking of Lethe or this person who WANTS to drink of Lethe.

I see "UnDo Control", "Edenspring" and "Lethe" as having basically the same theme; drowning yer (probably love-induced) sorrows in alcohol.
I'd say Lethe is more their biggest anti-love. More like... someone you loved destroys you and the Lethe, 'forgetfullness', is that of life and love through suicide.

Hrm... If I had to pick some love songs from DT, they'd probably be Single Part of Two, Hours Passed in Exile, Emptier Still, Nether Novas and maybe Sun Fired Blanks.

I dunno... I always liked the quote from my new sig, too.

Kovenant84 said:
I'd say Lethe is more their biggest anti-love. More like... someone you loved destroys you and the Lethe, 'forgetfullness', is that of life and love through suicide.

Hrm... If I had to pick some love songs from DT, they'd probably be Single Part of Two, Hours Passed in Exile, Emptier Still, Nether Novas and maybe Sun Fired Blanks.

I dunno... I always liked the quote from my new sig, too.


Yes. Lethe, a love story (even if it is anti-love, it is still a lovesong :grin:!) which ends up in this person who wants to forget everything, sort of..

Lethe is based on some sad sad lovestory.
At least I think so.
who wants to forget everything, sort of..
And he forgets using alcohol. I mean, how else can you interpret "give me to drink of the fluid that disintegrates?"

Yeah, I know about the mythological water of Lethe and all, but I see that as a metaphor for alcohol only.
Hours Passed In Exile (if someone didn't already mention it).

edit: ok, so someone did a couple posts above, it's not my fault that i missed the 2nd page :bah:

@Onyx: Of course your vocals can't compare to Mikael's, i thought you were a girl...
Phyre: When you've got alcohol, there is no discernible line between lust and love.
There lies truth in what you say. However, the song was probably written in some reflective/introspective moment after the drunkenness had worn off... ;)
Day to End is definately a withdrawl of some type, either from love or alcohol, kind of mellow bitterness and sorrow

turn my eyes inside
close the lids
deny the world to enter

hiding or shutting out the world?

Cause I'm turning the desires down

I'm not sure, but this could be part about love, or maybe an addiction, where the "water" is all you desire?

In my opinion DT has couple songs that are straight-forward lovesongs. The Sun Fired Blanks,Single Part Of Two and On Your Time. Dunno about the songs from Haven since I haven't listened to that one so much.
Why? I just think that those lyrics deal with love or a relationship. Day To End and Lethe come close,but as Steve said Day To End seems to be about withdrawl,it could be caused by a lot of things and in Lethe,the alcoholism could be caused by anything too. So Lethe is only a lovesong in the sense that the person loves alcohol.
TheFourthHorseman said:
In my opinion DT has couple songs that are straight-forward lovesongs. The Sun Fired Blanks,Single Part Of Two and On Your Time. Dunno about the songs from Haven since I haven't listened to that one so much.
Why? I just think that those lyrics deal with love or a relationship. Day To End and Lethe come close,but as Steve said Day To End seems to be about withdrawl,it could be caused by a lot of things and in Lethe,the alcoholism could be caused by anything too. So Lethe is only a lovesong in the sense that the person loves alcohol.

How can you be sure that Lethe is a drinking song?
I have never thought about it in that way.

Perhaps he just want to drink of the river, not drink of the bottle!
You see my point..hehe
Siren, I AM a girl, actually. But I can sing along with Mikael on Day To End except for a few notes that are too low for me to take. I cannot growl [heck... :erk: ], but I can sing a little. Auctioned and Undo Control sounds pretty decent performed by me, although I won't dare singing in public...any public. I still need a lot of practising. Or maybe that won't help me much...
@Onyx: I don't think it's "good" to try to immitate Mikael (or any other singer for that matter), for example on Day To End, exactly because his voice is too low for a girl. You should perhaps try to sing it where it fits your voice best (sorry, i'm not an expert in singing terminology, can't express it any better ;)).
Do you agree if I say that Format C: For Cortex is a lovesong?

Something has got to give
These things I just don't want you to see / hear / feel / know / learn / be

"Just show me a brand new face
an open mind against a dying race"

Could you relate that to love? Simply that his existence wither of their love? Or rather the fact that there is no love. You see my point?

Ahh... :loco:
@Format C: It mostly gives me the impression of being a song about protection. He wants to protect someone from experiencing bad things.
In that sense maybe it could be related to love, because we normally don't want people we love to suffer.
Then maybe i'm totally off on this one.
Siren said:
@Format C: It mostly gives me the impression of being a song about protection. He wants to protect someone from experiencing bad things.
In that sense maybe it could be related to love, because we normally don't want people we love to suffer.
Then maybe i'm totally off on this one.

Your words really fit with the song text actually. Thanks!