Dark Tranquillity lovesongs?

Format C: said:
How can you be sure that Lethe is a drinking song?
I have never thought about it in that way.

Perhaps he just want to drink of the river, not drink of the bottle!
You see my point..hehe

"In currents of cobalt
You storm through my heart
To sever, to puncture
The memories that burn
Let sweep through the arteries
In sharp stabs of pain
Your talonlike fingers to kill me again"

Just sounds too much like an alcoholic telling us how the alcohol is killing him though he doesn't want to drink. Plus the lyrics don't have anything to do with love directly so I don't see it as a lovesong. Now that I noticed,the lines "To sever,to puncture the memories that burn" do sound like he wants to forget too. I just think that all the symbolism is reflected to drinking...alcohol being his lethe.

Btw I agree about Format C:For Cortex being about,as Siren said,protecting someone from experiencing bad thing. Just don't see it directly as a love song. He/she could just as well be protecting a friend.
@RH: I was thinking that too maybe.

@Siren: Yeah that's a great point. It seems to be about protecting someone against what the world has become. My favorite song off of Damage Done right there. :)

Although many of the songs may not be aimed directly at love issues, almost all of them can be applied to it it seems, especially since problems with love are rooted to selfishness, which also happens to be what many of the problems in society are rooted in.
Wanderingblade said:
Ormir once posted an interview with Inferno Magazine where Mikael talked about the meanings behind the DD songs... Format C: was the wish to go back and tell your younger self what its like and all...
Ahh I see that. Thanks! :)
Onyx said:
Pathetic. :Smug:
1) Not every woman's voice is as squeaky and high-pitched as you imagine. Remember Tony Braxton with her abitily to take very low notes? That's just one example amongst a number of them.
2) Do you actually think that I'll dully sing the tune that doesn't fit my voice without understanding that it doesn't? Every human's voice tends to modulate to the key that fits it best. It is instinctive, and no advice from others is needed.
a) I don't see how "pathetic" provides any facts to contradict my opinion.
b) I was perhaps wrong in assuming you don't have a low voice, as say Toni Braxton does. I dare you to prove me otherwise.
(still imagining a girl with Mikael's voice gives me a good laugh, heh.)
(and i don't particularly like Toni's voice.)
c) I thought you had a good point till you said that "no advice is needed from others". :)
Onyx said:
Every human's voice tends to modulate to the key that fits it best. It is instinctive,
oh, i tend to modulate allright, yes. however, this still implies that results are such that i'm currently using my singing to threaten people who don't want to come to wacken with me.
proving that you are perfectly able to try to fly does nothing to prove that you're actually able to avoid falling like a rock to the reef below.

Pfff, i'm getting bored already, so just a couple of points i'll make and then i'm over with this.
Onyx said:
As you can[not] see, the word expresses my feelings and not the facts. And why do I have to contradict your opinion? It is not very important for me what you think of me since you didn't even see and talk to me in real life, and therefore your statements are yielding.
a) I don't care about your feelings, but about facts and logical reasoning when it comes to a conversation. Excuse me if i thought you were capable of holding one.
b) You seemed to be contradicting my opinion ok with your a) and b) back then.

Onyx said:
I assume that you once again got me wrong. You thought that I am too self-confident and thus don't need any advice towards my singing, but actually I meant that a singer can find himself the key in which he sings most succesfully, and usually there is no need of advice on that part. Is it clear now, or my English is still too poor to explain my thoughts? :erk:
Yes, that was the impression i got. Thanks for clarifying. :)
Still, i think it might not be that easy for someone inexperienced to find the key that suits him/her best, all by him/herself, usually teachers help in this. But as i said i'm no expert and that's just my opinion.
@onyx: if you're interested in discussion you should probably reply with something that can be the object of a debate. if you're just interested in expressing your own opinion without discussing it - which is legit - then simply avoid answering further questions. it's as easy as that.
defensive or passive-aggressive comments are neither here nor there: you are not being invaded.

@phyre: I we start anew!
You cunt,yes, you one-euro-whore, (now I hope you´re a male..)
I say that... yes, that blastbeats goes like this:


That is a professional blastbeat. FUCK!