Dark Tranquillity, Towson MD, Feb 17, Recher Theatre

Definitely. IMO the guy simply doesn't like Dark Tranquillity (and he has the right to) but he is simply incapable of expressing it in a meaningful way. So he just brags. Too bad for him.
Hitori said:
As if playing in the US is the only way a band can prove their worth.

I'd say it's harder to break out in the US in terms of sales, cuz promotion/advertising IS expensive (take those online campaigns for instance), and keep censors in mind... MTV2 isn't even on a regular cable!

I wouldn't take Opeth into account, but playing US or Japan (or Australia) being from Europe - that's an achievement. Whatever y'all think of the US inhabitants :D
plintus is right, its the same as with Britain and British bands, the bands are loved there only when they are loved everywhere else. So it is an achievement, but it still doesnt say anything about the worth of the band.
Lina said:
The Wonders at Your Feet
Lost to Apathy
The Treason Wall
Punish My Heaven
Damage Done (I think it was at this point)
The New Build
Monochromatic Stains
My Negation
Final Resistance
Thanks a million Lina:rock:
While I respect and admire Dark Tranquillity, I also was at the show in Millvale,PA. First, the acoustics were terrible in that venue. I would never return. And I strongly suggest people in general should be aware. This is purely subjective, so don't lose your minds. DT is not in the same league as Opeth. Period. I have seen many musicians and have a background in music. Simply put, they are just not that good.Peace.
Of course they aren't in the same league: DT is miles and miles above them...period.And you may see 100000 more musicians and have years of background in music...but you still don't know to recognize something special...you music snob
It's not that DT is better than Opeth or vice-versa. While i'd easily say "DT is kilometers above every other band ever to have existed", it's really just a matter of taste. Period. ;)

Btw, you should all be mature enough to be way past this. You guys surprise me.
Lina said:
What's saddest of all is that energy and smiles are now misconstrued as homosexuality.

This is completely true. I always found DTs live shows to be a lot of fun because they weren't preocuppied with looking metal. They were having fun and were willing to show it. Seeing a band enjoy themselves on stage is a relief after seeing Morbid Angel and other bands who, while may be good, spend the majority of their shows making sure we all know how metal they are.
Wow, that guys a friggen idiot. Stanne's the best singer in Death/Black Metal. An insult to Stanne is an insult to god himself. :Spin: