Darkthrone's Latest Quotes: Your Thoughts?


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
"Black metal in arenas is like brown cheese on pizza..."

"I want black metal to remain in the shadows. It disgusts me to see 40,000 people watching a black metal concert and enjoying themselves."

"We're not here to entertain people, we're here to provide them with a bit of a dark moment."

"We want the albums to be our voice as opposed to coming out playing to a bunch of drunk people half of which can't even make out what's happening."

"We never went for the money and fame, we don't like all the attention we're attracting. We always prefer to focus on the music, which speaks for itself. That's how we've always been."

"It's true that our roots go back to the hardcore and punk scenes as well as the death metal scene. We have strong connections to that."

"We were playing progressive and then decided to go primitive. Picasso said 'You have to unlearn the technique' and that is what I've been doing since 1994."
I pretty much agree with the quotes.

Personally I love black metal and it's my favourite type of metal by far but I don't enjoy going to any type of bm concerts. In my opinion the concert setting just does'nt fit this type of music very well..
Fuck that. If you didn't want people to buy your shit or see your shit you wouldn't release a fucking album.
Read between the lines.

I'm tired of this bullshit fucking integrity crap. Bands can keep their integrity of music while still gaining fans, occasionally you end up with 40,000 of them. Stop fucking bitching about people coming to your shows, I doubt that many people will ever fucking hear my band, let alone come to my shows but it sure would be cool. The TR000000000 bullshit got old ages ago. If you didn't want fame or fans you wouldn't release an album, period.

EDIT: I'm not calling bullshit on all of these quotes or even Darkthrone, just the uber-elite mantra that so much black metal attempts to embody.
J. said:
"I want black metal to remain in the shadows. It disgusts me to see 40,000 people watching a black metal concert and enjoying themselves."
To me, quotes like this simply highlight the sentiments of most of the Black Metal fanbase. As soon as an act gains any sucess, they can no longer be "true". As a musician, you should concern yourself with producing the best music you can and let the rest fall into place. As a fan, you should concern yourself only with music you like, regardless of who or how many other people like or don't like it.

I think the comments are heartfelt, and I understand where he is coming from and going with them. Perhaps he should have elaborated upon them a little more. Personally I think what he is trying to say, is Black Metal is NOT entertainment, it is music meant only for those who understand it, respect it as a art etc. He is not making his music so a bunch of kids can dress up and act like rebels, without understanding or appreciating the music THat would be beneath him and his music. Of course, I think he has an overly high opinion of the music of Darkthrone, especially these days.
One Inch Man said:
Fuck that. If you didn't want people to buy your shit or see your shit you wouldn't release a fucking album.
What about releasing an album to please yourself?

I absolutely agree with the quotes.
They are just a marketing gimmick for the unsuspecting few ... nice try DT ...
Some of you ... i wonder sometimes
So if a band creates an image like CoF or Dimmu with huge theatrics and lights, etc, it's a gimmick.

If a band incorporates Egyptian ideas into their music because they are truly interested in it, it's a gimmick.

If a band incorporates everything into their music and claim t knock down boundaries, it's a gimmick.

If a band says they hate all that stuff and want to remain underground, it's a gimmick.

Is there any band you think doesn't have a gimmick?
Is there any band you think doesn't have a gimmick?
no .. all bands have gimmicks ... and I truely beleive they are well thought out before they set out on their careers.

i used to believe in all this "true" bullshit ...

If a band incorporates Egyptian ideas into their music because they are truly interested in it, it's a gimmick.
and don't get me started on these guys ... who to this day have not even visited Egypt.
lurch70 said:
no .. all bands have gimmicks ... and I truely beleive they are well thought out before they set out on their careers.
I don't think this at all. Some bands are genuine in that they only want to create music, nothing more, nothing less. I can name many bands where, to find a gimmick, you'd be hard pressed.
I do think that not all bands have gimmicks, but most popular bands employ a form of gimmick to market their music. In the case of Darkthrone I think they are honest, but it would help if they ditched the costumes. I dont see how they help prove their point when they are dressed in the black metal garb? that is no longer about an image of the music, but just an image these days.
Does DT wear costumes. All of the recent pictures I've seen of them just show them wearing black clothes, no make-up. Just black jeans, shirts and leather jackets.

And a lot of times, i think people are quick to point out something as a gimmick. For example, lets take Aborym or even Kayo Dot. Both bands don't sound like anybody else, so most people would automatically say, "Their gimmick is that they're different." What a load of stupid.
All of those quotes have their degree of truth, black metal has always had an anti-populist ethos and rejects the idea that music exists only to entertain, though the language in which they're expressed is suspect and I disagree with the last...
i think people are quick to point out something as a gimmick. For example, lets take Aborym or even Kayo Dot. Both bands don't sound like anybody else, so most people would automatically say, "Their gimmick is that they're different." What a load of stupid.
I was not talking about "music" but the rather assinine statements like DT makes.