The quotes that made the Norwigian Black Metal

ok, you guys are weak...........!
here are some more we found:

"We only sign bands that represent pure EVIL"
(Eronymous, 1993)

"We want to turn Norway to be a perfect place .. like HELL! we have a group of militants that will take care of that... we shall not stop untill all those LIFE METAL bands will split up or die..."
(Bard Faust, as the new tour guid of Norway, in 1993)

"We will never play live because i am too misanthrope"
(Fenriz, admits)

"I prefer to sit at home and cut myself instead of going out to parties"
(Eorunymous explains why he was not popular in school)

"We wont have logo condoms like Dimmu Borgir"
(Satyr from Satyricon in 2001)

"Guitars are for my pals"

"why cant we get some legal snuff movies around here?"
(Bard Faust asks Euronymous a legitimate question)

c'mon you guys.
im not the only one around here with old magazines right? :D
(Dead Lioness tries to get some quotes from the forum)
"We wont have logo condoms like Dimmu Borgir"
(Satyr from Satyricon in 2001)

"Guitars are for my pals"

:lol: :lol:

"Q: are you proud to be the new bass player for Mayhem?
A: "yes, im proud like a goat!"
(Varg, interview from 1992)"

err.....:lol: :lol: :lol: LIKE A GOAT! WOO!
Dead_Lioness said:
destrooyer 666 are GREAT!

good people too :D
they live in holland now, i partied with them quit alot, great band.
and yeah.. they are not really black metal... somewhat thrash-death kinda thing.
:rock: :rock: :rock:
UNCHAIN THE WOLVES!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: One of the grestest albums ever!

I's knew Destroyer 666 back when they were still in Australia and I's will be seeing them headline Australia's biggest metal festival METAL FOR THE BRAIN on the 20th of December.
It will be great having the boys back home, ready and willing to tear up Metal For The Brain once again with their awesome sound!

"Varg always used to say that what Bard Faust did was childish, because its nothing to kill a faggot that attacked you, he disrespected Bard and everybody who claimed Bard was a blacker."
(Snurre from Thorns, a murder partner, tells about the idea to kill a man)

a picture can say it all...
here is the man who started the belly-button trend:
Euronymous in the store in 1991


ahhhh.... :yell:
If Euronymous had a pair of nice boobs and another head, he'd be a fucking hot chick. Sweet body.

Oh, and Snorre is the shit, Thorns rule. :rock: