the quotes the could have changed history

“oh screw that, I want to move to the country and eat pies all day”
(James Hatfield, a day before the release of Load)

“very good! I see you have been practicing on the harmonic minor homework from last week, So for today, we’ll learn a new Solo!”
(Engwie’s Malmsteen’s guitar teacher, is being over enthusiastic)

“oh fuck “Metal Music”, It wont sell anyways, lets open an ice cream stand instead”
(Danny Filth, beginning of the 90’s)
Wolftribe said:
"Wait, guys, maybe we should find out if they actually have WMD before we invade and occupy."
-George W. Bush

i know, i'm going to get flamed for that one



a simple shut up would suffice... but i think i should add the word 'fuck' to it... and then tell you that you don't know what you're talking about... yeah... sounds good... here it goes...

shut the fuck up you don't know what you are talking about.

i hope my flaming meets your expectations... good day. :lol:
here's a good one...

"no I don't want to have sex with you on video tape"
(Pamela Anderson to Tommy Lee)

and later...

"can you use your night vision cam to video tape me getting it in the ass? no."
(Paris Hilton)