the quotes the could have changed history

“wtf, you’ve never heard about 4/4 ? we wanna play like Metallica not like some frinkin’ Jazz band!”
(the guitarist (back then the singer too) of Meshugah to their drummer in 1989)

“oh bloody hell, im not doing this, bat heads are disgusting”
(Ozzy Osbourne )
" hmmmmm, I'm not sure guys. I mean does his voice have to be so high? He screeches like an air raid siren "
Steve Harris before asking Bruce to Join Maiden.

" no it's can cum in there "
Freddie Mercury before...

"I know it's a nice day but can't I take the hard top and not the convertible?"
JFK before his tour of Dallas
DreamNeonBlack said:
" hmmmmm, I'm not sure guys. I mean does his voice have to be so high? He screeches like an air raid siren "
Steve Harris before asking Bruce to Join Maiden.

" no it's can cum in there "
Freddie Mercury before...

"I know it's a nice day but can't I take the hard top and not the convertible?"
JFK before his tour of Dallas

hahahaha GREAT!!!! :kickass:
each and every one :D
warrel dane: hey guys lets make a concept albumn
van/jim/jeff/tim: ok
warrel dane: i was thinking about making it about a love loss i experienced, and to this day i cant find her. i was wanting to call it dreaming neon black..
van: thats gay
jim: i wanted to write the cd about french fries
jeff: someone say french fries?
tim: i was thinking more about flowers and fairies
jeff: yeah that sounds good
van: yeah, i wanna be a flower
(van and jim fight over the flower costume)
(warrel shakes head)
tim: the albumn shalt be called....dreaming flowery plumage